幫客之家(www.Bkjia.com)教程 在使用 PHP 程序的過程中,我們經常會碰到頁面出現空白,頁面出現空白是因為程序運行過程中遇到問題不能正常執行,而 PHP 環境配置信息又阻止向頁面輸出 PHP 返回的錯誤信息,遇到這樣的問題不要驚慌,只要打開PHP的報錯信息,然後根據錯誤信息提示就能找到問題的原因,然後逐步解決。
我們在程序運行的開始利用 error_reporting()函數設置 PHP 的報錯級別並返回當前級別。
如果參數 level 未指定,當前報錯級別將被返回。下面幾項是 level 可能的值:值 常量 描述1 E_ERROR Fatal run-time errors. Errors that can not be recovered from. Execution of the script is halted2 E_WARNING Non-fatal run-time errors. Execution of the script is not halted4 E_PARSE Compile-time parse errors. Parse errors should only be generated by the parser8 E_NOTICE Run-time notices. The script found something that might be an error, but could also happen when running a script normally16 E_CORE_ERROR Fatal errors at PHP startup. This is like an E_ERROR in the PHP core32 E_CORE_WARNING Non-fatal errors at PHP startup. This is like an E_WARNING in the PHP core64 E_COMPILE_ERROR Fatal compile-time errors. This is like an E_ERROR generated by the Zend Scripting Engine128 E_COMPILE_WARNING Non-fatal compile-time errors. This is like an E_WARNING generated by the Zend Scripting Engine256 E_USER_ERROR Fatal user-generated error. This is like an E_ERROR set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error()512 E_USER_WARNING Non-fatal user-generated warning. This is like an E_WARNING set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error()1024 E_USER_NOTICE User-generated notice. This is like an E_NOTICE set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger_error()2048 E_STRICT Run-time notices. PHP suggest changes to your code to help interoperability and compatibility of the code4096 E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR Catchable fatal error. This is like an E_ERROR but can be caught by a user defined handle (see also set_error_handler())8191 E_ALL All errors and warnings, except level E_STRICT (E_STRICT will be part of E_ALL as of PHP 6.0)
任意數目的以上選項都可以用“或”來連接(用 OR 或 |),這樣可以報告所有需要的各級別錯誤。例如,下面的代碼關閉了用戶自定義的錯誤和警告,執行了某些操作,然後恢復到原始的報錯級別://禁用錯誤報告error_reporting(0);//報告運行時錯誤error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);//報告所有錯誤error_reporting(E_ALL);?>