關於huey的介紹: (比celery輕型,比mrq、rq要好用 !)
a lightweight alternative.
written in python
no deps outside stdlib, except redis (or roll your own backend)
support for django
multi-threaded task execution
scheduled execution at a given time
periodic execution, like a crontab
retrying tasks that fail
task result storage
huey can be installed very easily using pip.
pip install huey
huey has no dependencies outside the standard library, but currently the only fully-implemented queue backend it ships with requires redis. To use the redis backend, you will need to install the python client.
pip install redis
Using git
If you want to run the very latest, feel free to pull down the repo from github and install by hand.
git clone https://github.com/coleifer/huey.git
cd huey
python setup.py install
You can run the tests using the test-runner:
python setup.py test
from huey import RedisHuey, crontab
huey = RedisHuey('my-app', host='redis.myapp.com')
def add_numbers(a, b):
return a + b
@huey.periodic_task(crontab(minute='0', hour='3'))
def nightly_backup():
-l 關於日志文件的執行 。
-w workers的數目,-w的數值大了,肯定是增加任務的處理能力
-p --periodic 啟動huey worker的時候,他會從tasks.py裡面找到 需要crontab的任務,會派出幾個線程專門處理這些事情。
-n 不啟動關於crontab裡面的預周期執行,只有你觸發的時候,才會執行周期星期的任務。
--threads 意思你懂的。
# 原文:
The following table lists the options available for the consumer as well as their default values.
-l, --logfile
Path to file used for logging. When a file is specified, by default Huey will use a rotating file handler (1MB / chunk) with a maximum of 3 backups. You can attach your own handler (huey.logger) as well. The default loglevel is INFO.
-v, --verbose
Verbose logging (equates to DEBUG level). If no logfile is specified and verbose is set, then the consumer will log to the console. This is very useful for testing/debugging.
-q, --quiet
Only log errors. The default loglevel for the consumer is INFO.
-w, --workers
Number of worker threads, the default is 1 thread but for applications that have many I/O bound tasks, increasing this number may lead to greater throughput.
-p, --periodic
Indicate that this consumer process should start a thread dedicated to enqueueing “periodic” tasks (crontab-like functionality). This defaults to True, so should not need to be specified in practice.
-n, --no-periodic
Indicate that this consumer process should not enqueue periodic tasks.
-d, --delay
When using a “polling”-type queue backend, the amount of time to wait between polling the backend. Default is 0.1 seconds.
-m, --max-delay
The maximum amount of time to wait between polling, if using weighted backoff. Default is 10 seconds.
-b, --backoff
The amount to back-off when polling for results. Must be greater than one. Default is 1.15.
-u, --utc
Indicates that the consumer should use UTC time for all tasks, crontabs and scheduling. Default is True, so in practice you should not need to specify this option.
Indicates that the consumer should use localtime for all tasks, crontabs and scheduling. Default is False.
Running the consumer with 8 threads, a logfile for errors only, and a very short polling interval:
huey_consumer.py my.app.huey -l /var/log/app.huey.log -w 8 -b 1.1 -m 1.0
任務隊列huey 是靠著redis來實現queue的任務存儲,所以需要咱們提前先把redis-server和redis-py都裝好。 安裝的方法就不說了,自己搜搜吧。
我們首先創建下huey的鏈接實例 :
# config.py
from huey import Huey
from huey.backends.redis_backend import RedisBlockingQueue
queue = RedisBlockingQueue('test-queue', host='localhost', port=6379)
huey = Huey(queue)
from config import huey # import the huey we instantiated in config.py
def count_beans(num):
print '-- counted %s beans --' % num
再來一個真正去執行的 。 main.py 相當於生產者,tasks.py相當於消費者的關系。 main.py負責喂數據。
from config import huey # import our "huey" object
from tasks import count_beans # import our task
if __name__ == '__main__':
beans = raw_input('How many beans? ')
print 'Enqueued job to count %s beans' % beans
Ensure you have Redis running locally
Ensure you have installed huey
Start the consumer: huey_consumer.py main.huey (notice this is “main.huey” and not “config.huey”).
Run the main program: python main.py
和celery、rq一樣,他的結果獲取是需要在你的config.py或者主代碼裡面指明他的存儲的方式,現在huey還僅僅是支持redis,但相對他的特點和體積,這已經很足夠了 !
from huey import Huey
from huey.backends.redis_backend import RedisBlockingQueue
from huey.backends.redis_backend import RedisDataStore # ADD THIS LINE
queue = RedisBlockingQueue('test-queue', host='localhost', port=6379)
result_store = RedisDataStore('results', host='localhost', port=6379) # ADDED
huey = Huey(queue, result_store=result_store) # ADDED result store
這個時候,我們在ipython再次去嘗試的時候,會發現可以獲取到tasks.py裡面的return值了 其實你在main.py裡面獲取的時候,他還是通過uuid從redis裡面取出來的。
>>> from main import count_beans
>>> res = count_beans(100)
>>> res # what is "res" ?
<huey.api.AsyncData object at 0xb7471a4c>
>>> res.get() # get the result of this task
'Counted 100 beans'
huey也是支持celey的延遲執行和crontab的功能 。 這些功能很是重要,可以自定義的優先級或者不用再借助linux本身的crontab。
>>> import datetime
>>> res = count_beans.schedule(args=(100,), delay=60)
>>> res
<huey.api.AsyncData object at 0xb72915ec>
>>> res.get() # this returns None, no data is ready
>>> res.get() # still no data...
>>> res.get(blocking=True) # ok, let's just block until its ready
'Counted 100 beans'
再來一個重試retry的介紹,huey也是有retry,這個很是實用的東西。 如果大家有看到我的上面文章關於celery重試機制的介紹,應該也能明白huey是個怎麼個回事了。 是的,他其實也是在tasks裡具體函數的前面做了裝飾器,裝飾器裡面有個func try 異常重試的邏輯 。 大家懂的。
# tasks.py
from datetime import datetime
from config import huey
@huey.task(retries=3, retry_delay=10)
def try_thrice():
print 'trying....%s' % datetime.now()
raise Exception('nope')
huey是給你反悔的機會餓 ~ 也就是說,你做了deley的計劃任務後,如果你又想取消,那好看,直接revoke就可以了。
# count some beans
res = count_beans(10000000)
The same applies to tasks that are scheduled in the future:
res = count_beans.schedule(args=(100000,), eta=in_the_future)
def print_time():
print datetime.now()
task() - 透明的裝飾器,讓你的函數變得優美點。
periodic_task() - 這個是周期性的任務
crontab() - 啟動worker的時候,附帶的crontab的周期任務。
BaseQueue - 任務隊列
BaseDataStore - 任務執行後,可以把 結果塞入進去。 BAseDataStore可以自己重寫。
from config import huey
from tasks import count_beans
if __name__ == '__main__':
beans = raw_input('How many beans? ')
print('Enqueued job to count %s beans' % beans)
import random
import time
from huey import crontab
from config import huey
def count_beans(num):
print "start..."
print('-- counted %s beans --' % num)
print "end..."
return 'Counted %s beans' % num
def every_five_mins():
print('Consumer prints this every 5 mins')
@huey.task(retries=3, retry_delay=10)
def try_thrice():
if random.randint(1, 3) == 1:
print('About to fail, will retry in 10 seconds')
raise Exception('Crap something went wrong')
def slow(n):
print('slept %s' % n)
echo "-------------"
echo "In another terminal, run 'python main.py'"
echo "Stop the consumer using Ctrl+C"
python ../../huey/bin/huey_consumer.py main.huey --threads=2
咱們可以先clone下huey的代碼庫。 裡面有個examples例子目錄,可以看到他是支持django的,但是這不是重點 !
[xiaorui@devops /tmp ]$ git clone https://github.com/coleifer/huey.git
Cloning into 'huey'...
remote: Counting objects: 1423, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Receiving objects: 34% (497/1423), 388.00 KiB | 29.00 KiB/s KiB/s
Receiving objects: 34% (498/1423), 628.00 KiB | 22.00 KiB/s
remote: Total 1423 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (1423/1423), 2.24 MiB | 29.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (729/729), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
[xiaorui@devops /tmp ]$cd huey/examples/simple
[xiaorui@devops simple (master)]$ ll
total 40
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaorui wheel 79B 9 8 08:49 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaorui wheel 0B 9 8 08:49 __init__.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaorui wheel 56B 9 8 08:49 config.py
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xiaorui wheel 227B 9 8 08:49 cons.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaorui wheel 205B 9 8 08:49 main.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaorui wheel 607B 9 8 08:49 tasks.py
[xiaorui@devops simple (master)]$