下面是一個超級簡單的MVC結構實現,甚至連數據源都用了一個內置的固定數組,雖然簡單,但其實眾多的PHP Framework核心實現的思想應該和這個是差不多的,只不過一些framework提供了更多的方便開發者使用的工具,我也想自己來實現一個PHP的 框架,目前正在著手策劃中,也希望自己能夠從框架的開發中學習到更多的PHP設計思想和方法。
include 'Model.php';
include 'View.php';
class Controller {
private $model = '';
private $view = '';
public function Controller(){
$this->model = new Model();
$this->view = new View();
public function doAction( $method = 'defaultMethod', $params = array() ){
if( empty($method) ){
}else if( method_exists($this, $method) ){
call_user_func(array($this, $method), $params);
public function link_page($name = ''){
$links = $this->model->getLinks();
$result = $this->model->getResult($name);
public function defaultMethod(){
echo "This is the default method. ";
public function nonexisting_method(){
echo "This is the noexisting method. ";
public function br(){
echo "<br />";
$controller = new Controller();
$controller->doAction('link_page', 'b');
class Model {
private $database = array(
"a" => "hello world",
"b" => "ok well done",
"c" => "good bye",
//@TODO connect the database
//run the query and get the result
public function getResult($name){
if( empty($name) ){
return FALSE;
if( in_array($name, array_keys( $this->database ) ) ){
return $this->database[$name];
public function getLinks(){
$links = "<a href='#'>Link A</a> ";
$links.= "<a href='#'>Link B</a> ";
$links.= "<a href='#'>Link C</a> ";
return $links;
class View {
public function display($output){
// ob_start();
echo $output;