class Point
static $size=10;
const PI=301415926;
private $id;
private $x;
private $y;
function getId()
return $this->id;
function __get($property_name)
return $this->$property_name;
return NULL;
function __set($property_name,$value)
echo "error: value is not a double number.";
function __construct($x,$y,$id=0)
function Print_info()
echo $this->id,"<br>";
echo $this->x,"<br>";
echo $this->y,"<br>";
functionfunction __destruct()
echo "destruct function";
abstract class Object
abstract public function Output();
final public function Msg()
echo "object msg","<br>";
final class Point extends Object
public function Output()
echo "point","<br>";
class Rectangle extends Object
public function Output()
echo "Rectangle","<br>";
function runObject(Object $obj)
runObject(new Point());
runObject(new Rectangle());
interface IUser
public function addUser();
class Administrator implements IUser
public function addUser()
echo "add user";
(new Administrator())->addUser();
__autoload — 嘗試加載未定義的類 | Attempt to load undefined class
call_user_method_array — 調用一個用戶方法,同時傳遞參數數組(已廢棄) | Call a user method given with an array of parameters
call_user_method — 對特定對象調用用戶方法(已廢棄) | Call a user method on an specific object
class_alias — 為一個類創建別名 | Creates an alias for a class
class_exists — 檢查類是否已定義 | Checks if the class has been defined
get_called_class — 後期靜態綁定("Late Static Binding")類的名稱 | the "Late Static Binding" class name
get_class_methods — 返回由類的方法名組成的數組 | Gets the class methods' names
get_class_vars — 返回由類的默認屬性組成的數組 | Get the default properties of the class
get_class — 返回對象的類名 | Returns the name of the class of an object
get_declared_classes — 返回由已定義類的名字所組成的數組 | Returns an array with the name of the defined classes
get_declared_interfaces — 返回一個數組包含所有已聲明的接口 | Returns an array of all declared interfaces
get_declared_traits — 返回所有已定義的 traits 的數組 | Returns an array of all declared traits
get_object_vars — 返回由對象屬性組成的關聯數組 | Gets the properties of the given object
get_parent_class — 返回對象或類的父類名 | Retrieves the parent class name for object or class
interface_exists — 檢查接口是否已被定義 | Checks if the interface has been defined
is_a — 如果對象屬於該類或該類是此對象的父類則返回 TRUE | Checks if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents
is_subclass_of — 如果此對象是該類的子類,則返回 TRUE | Checks if the object has this class as one of its parents or implements it.
method_exists — 檢查類的方法是否存在 | Checks if the class method exists
property_exists — 檢查對象或類是否具有該屬性 | Checks if the object or class has a property
trait_exists — 檢查指定的 trait 是否存在 | Checks if the trait exists