一 程序入口
<?php // change the following paths if necessary $yii=dirname(__FILE__).'/http://www.cnblogs.com/framework/yii.php'; $config=dirname(__FILE__).'/protected/config/main.php'; // remove the following line when in production mode // defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true); require_once($yii); Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();
require_once($yii) 語句包含了yii.php 文件,該文件是Yii bootstrap file,包含了 yiibase的基礎類,yii完全繼承了yiibase
<?php /** * Yii bootstrap file. * * @author Qiang Xue <[email protected]> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ * @version $Id: yii.php 2799 2011-01-01 19:31:13Z qiang.xue $ * @package system * @since 1.0 */ require(dirname(__FILE__).'/YiiBase.php'); /** * Yii is a helper class serving common framework functionalities. * * It encapsulates {@link YiiBase} which provides the actual implementation. * By writing your own Yii class, you can customize some functionalities of YiiBase. * * @author Qiang Xue <[email protected]> * @version $Id: yii.php 2799 2011-01-01 19:31:13Z qiang.xue $ * @package system * @since 1.0 */ class Yii extends YiiBase { }
在 YiiBase 類中 定義了一些 比如:
public static function createWebApplication($config=null) // 創建啟動 public static function import($alias,$forceInclude=false) // 類導入 public static function createComponent($config) // 創建組件 public static function setApplication($app) // 創建類的實例 yii::app()
二 自動加載機制
還有比較重要的yii自動加載機制,在yiibase的最後引用了php的標准庫函數 spl_autoload_register(array('YiiBase','autoload')) 調用框架中的autoload方法
/** * Class autoload loader. * This method is provided to be invoked within an __autoload() magic method. * @param string $className class name * @return boolean whether the class has been loaded successfully */ public static function autoload($className) { // use include so that the error PHP file may appear if(isset(self::$classMap[$className])) include(self::$classMap[$className]); else if(isset(self::$_coreClasses[$className])) include(YII_PATH.self::$_coreClasses[$className]); else { // include class file relying on include_path if(strpos($className,'\\')===false) // class without namespace { if(self::$enableIncludePath===false) { foreach(self::$_includePaths as $path) { $classFile=$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$className.'.php'; if(is_file($classFile)) { include($classFile); break; } } } else include($className.'.php'); } else // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3 { $namespace=str_replace('\\','.',ltrim($className,'\\')); if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false) include($path.'.php'); else return false; } return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false); } return true; }