我們需要找到一種將數據庫連接到用戶的浏覽器的方法。用戶能夠按目錄浏覽商品。 用戶應該能夠從商品目錄中選取商品以便此後的購買。我們也要能夠記錄他們選中的物品。 當用戶完成購買,要合計他們的訂單,獲取運送商品細節,並處理付款。 創建一個管理界面,以便管理員在上面添加、編輯圖書和目錄。
2.1 用戶視圖
2.2 管理員視圖
2.3 Book-O-Rama中的文件列表
3、實現數據庫3.1 創建book_sc數據庫的SQL代碼
CREATE DATABASE book_sc; #創建book_sc數據庫 USE book_sc; #使用book_sc數據庫 CREATE TABLE customers #創建用戶表 ( customerid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(60) NOT NULL, address CHAR(80) NOT NULL, city CHAR(30) NOT NULL, state CHAR(10), zip CHAR(10), country CHAR(20) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE orders #創建訂單表 ( orderid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, customerid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, amount FLOAT(6,2), date DATE NOT NULL, order_status CHAR(10), ship_name CHAR(60) NOT NULL, ship_address CHAR(80) NOT NULL, ship_city CHAR(30) NOT NULL, ship_state CHAR(20), ship_zip CHAR(10), ship_country CHAR(20) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE books #創建圖書表 ( isbn CHAR(13) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, author CHAR(80), title CHAR(100), catid INT UNSIGNED, price FLOAT(4,2) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(255) ); CREATE TABLE categories #創建目錄表 ( catid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, catname CHAR(60) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE order_items #訂單物品表 ( orderid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, isbn CHAR(13) NOT NULL, item_price FLOAT(4,2) NOT NULL, quantity TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(orderid,isbn) ); CREATE TABLE admin #管理員表 ( username char(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password CHAR(40) NOT NULL ); GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on book_sc.* to book_sc@localhost IDENTIFIED by 'password';
3.2 數據庫測試數據文檔
USE book_sc; INSERT INTO books VALUES ('0672329166','Luke Welling and Laura Thomson','PHP and MySQL Web Development',1,49.99, 'PHP & MySQL Web Development teaches the reader to develop dynamic, secure e-commerce web sites. You will learn to integrate and implement these technologies by following real-world examples and working sample projects.'); INSERT INTO books VALUES ('067232976X','Julie Meloni','Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All-in-One',1,34.99, 'Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson in this book builds on the previous ones, enabling you to learn the essentials of PHP scripting, MySQL databases, and the Apache web server from the ground up.'); INSERT INTO books VALUES ('0672319241','Sterling Hughes and Andrei Zmievski','PHP Developer\'s Cookbook',1,39.99, 'Provides a complete, solutions-oriented guide to the challenges most often faced by PHP developers\r\nWritten specifically for experienced Web developers, the book offers real-world solutions to real-world needs\r\n'); INSERT INTO categories VALUES (1,'Internet'); INSERT INTO categories VALUES (2,'Self-help'); INSERT INTO categories VALUES (5,'Fiction'); INSERT INTO categories VALUES (4,'Gardening'); INSERT INTO admin VALUES ('admin', sha1('admin'));
4.1 index.php
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 網站首頁,顯示系統中的圖書目錄 */ //require_once語句和require語句完全相同,唯一區別是PHP會檢查該文件是否已經被包含過,如果是則不會再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); //開始會話 do_html_header('Welcome to Book-O-Rama'); //頁頭 echo "<p>Please choose a category:</p>"; $cat_array = get_categories(); //從數據庫獲取目錄 display_categories($cat_array); //顯示目錄鏈接 if(isset($_SESSION['admin_user'])) //如果是管理員,顯示管理員操作 display_button("admin.php","admin-menu","Admin Menu"); do_html_footer(); //頁尾 ?>
4.2 book_fns.php文件中的函數get_categories()
function get_categories() //從數據庫中獲取目錄列表 { $conn = db_connect(); //連接數據庫 $query = "select catid,catname from categories"; $result = @$conn ->query($query); if(!$result) //查詢失敗,返回false return false; $num_cats = @$result ->num_rows; if($num_cats == 0) //數據庫中無目錄,返回false return false; $result = db_result_to_array($result); return $result; }
4.3 output_fns.php文件中的函數display_categories()
function display_categories($cat_array) //輸出目錄 { if(!is_array($cat_array)) { echo "<p>No categories currently available</p>"; return; } echo "<ul>"; foreach($cat_array as $row) { $url = "show_cat.php?catid=". $row['catid']; $title = $row['catname']; echo "<li>"; do_html_URL($url,$title); echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo "<hr/>"; }
4.4 db_fns.php文件中的函數db_result_to_array()
function db_result_to_array($result) //結果到數組 { $res_array = array(); for($count = 0; $row = $result ->fetch_assoc(); $count++) $res_array[$count] = $row; return $res_array; }
4.5 show_cat.php
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 顯示特定目錄包含的所有圖書 */ //require_once語句和require語句完全相同,唯一區別是PHP會檢查該文件是否已經被包含過,如果是則不會再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); @$catid = $_GET['catid']; $name = get_category_name($catid); do_html_header($name); $book_array = get_books($catid); display_books($book_array); //如果是管理員,顯示管理界面按鈕 if(isset($_SESSION['admin_user'])) { display_button("index.php","continue","Continue Shopping"); display_button("admin.php","admin-menu","Admin Menu"); display_button("edit_category_form.php?catid=". $catid,"edit-category","Edit Category"); } else //否則顯示主界面按鈕 { display_button("index.php","continue-shopping","Continue Shopping"); } do_html_footer(); ?>
4.6 book_fns.php文件中的函數get_category_name()
function get_category_name($catid) //獲取目錄名 { $conn = db_connect(); //連接數據庫 $query = "select catname from categories where catid = '". $catid ."'"; $result = @$conn ->query($query); if(!$result) //查詢失敗,原因為查詢出錯 return false; $num_cats = @$result ->num_rows; if($num_cats == 0) //查詢失敗,原因為無目錄 return false; $row = $result ->fetch_object(); return $row ->catname; }
4.8 book_fns.php文件中的函數get_books()
function get_books($catid) //從數據庫中獲取圖書 { if((!$catid) || ($catid == '')) //如果目錄ID為空 return false; $conn = db_connect(); $query = "select * from books where catid = '". $catid ."'"; $result = @$conn ->query($query); if(!$result) //查詢失敗,原因為查詢出錯 return false; $num_books = @$result ->num_rows; if($num_books == 0) //查詢失敗,原因為無圖書 return false; $result = db_result_to_array($result); return $result; }
4.9 output_fns文件中的函數display_books()
function display_books($book_array) //輸出圖書 { if(!is_array($book_array)) echo "<p>No books currently available in this category</p>"; else //有圖書,建表 { echo "<table width = \"100%\" border=\"0\">"; foreach($book_array as $row) { $url = "show_book.php?isbn=". $row['isbn']; echo "<tr><td>"; // 如果圖片存在 if(@file_exists("images/". $row['isbn'] .".jpg")) { $title = "<img src=\"images/". $row['isbn'] .".jpg\" style=\"border: 1px solid black\"/>"; do_html_URL($url,$title); } else echo " "; echo "</td><td>"; $title = $row['title'] ." by ". $row['author']; do_html_URL($url,$title); echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } echo "<hr/>"; }
PHP and MySQL Web Development的詳細信息
4.10 show_book.php
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 顯示特定圖書的詳細信息 */ //require_once語句和require語句完全相同,唯一區別是PHP會檢查該文件是否已經被包含過,如果是則不會再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); $isbn = $_GET['isbn']; $book = get_book_details($isbn); do_html_header($book['title']); display_book_details($book); //設置繼續按鈕 $target = "index.php"; if($book['catid']) $target = "show_cat.php?catid = ". $book['catid']; //如果是管理員,顯示編輯鏈接 if(check_admin_user()) { display_button("edit_book_form.php?isbn=". $isbn,"edit-item","Edit Item"); display_button("admin.php","admin-menu","Admin Menu"); display_button($target,"continue","Continue"); } else { display_button("show_cart.php?new=". $isbn,"add-to-cart","Add". $book['title']." To My Shopping Cart"); display_button($target,"continue-shopping","Continue Shopping"); } do_html_footer(); ?>
4.11 book_fns.php文件中的函數get_book_details()
function get_book_details($isbn) //從數據庫中獲取一本圖書的詳細說明 { if((!$isbn) || ($isbn == '')) //如果圖書統一書號為空 return false; $conn = db_connect(); //連接數據庫 $query = "select * from books where isbn = '". $isbn ."'"; $result = @$conn ->query($query); if(!$result) //查詢失敗,原因為查詢出錯 return false; $result = @$result ->fetch_assoc(); return $result; }
4.12 output_fns.php文件中的函數display_book_details()
function display_book_details($book) //輸出圖書詳細說明 { if(is_array($book)) { echo "<table><tr>"; // 如果圖片存在 if(@file_exists("images/". $book['isbn'] .".jpg")) { $size = getimagesize("images/". $book['isbn'] .".jpg"); if(($size[0] > 0) && ($size[1] > 0)) { echo "<td><img src=\"images/". $book['isbn'] .".jpg\" style=\"border: 1px solid black\"/></td>"; } } echo "<td><ul>"; echo "<li><strong>Author:</strong>"; echo $book['author']; echo "</li><li><strong>ISBN:</strong>"; echo $book['isbn']; echo "</li><li><strong>Our Price:</strong>"; echo number_format($book['price'],2); echo "</li><li><strong>Description:</strong>"; echo $book['description']; echo "</li></ul></td></tr></table>"; } else { echo "<p>The details of this book cannot be displayed at this time.</p>"; } echo "<hr/>"; }
5.1 show_cart.php
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 顯示用戶購物車的內容。也用來向購物車添加圖書 */ //require_once語句和require語句完全相同,唯一區別是PHP會檢查該文件是否已經被包含過,如果是則不會再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); @$new = $_GET['new']; if($new) { if(!isset($_SESSION['cart'])) //購物車中無物品 { $_SESSION['cart'] =array(); $_SESSION['items'] = 0; $_SESSION['total_price'] = '0.00'; } if(isset($_SESSION['cart'][$new])) { $_SESSION['cart'][$new]++; } else { $_SESSION['cart'][$new] = 1; } $_SESSION['total_price'] = calculate_price($_SESSION['cart']); $_SESSION['items'] = calculate_items($_SESSION['cart']); } if(isset($_POST['save'])) { foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $isbn => $qty) { if($_POST[$isbn] == '0') unset($_SESSION['cart'][$isbn]); else $_SESSION['cart'][$isbn] = $_POST[$isbn]; } $_SESSION['total_price'] = calculate_price($_SESSION['cart']); $_SESSION['items'] = calculate_items($_SESSION['cart']); } do_html_header("Your shopping cart"); if((@$_SESSION['cart']) && (array_count_values($_SESSION['cart']))) { display_cart($_SESSION['cart']); } else { echo "<p>There are no items in your cart</p><hr/>"; } $target = "index.php"; //如果只有一種物品添加到購物車,可以繼續購物 if($new) { $details = get_book_details($new); if($details['catid']) { $target = "show_cat.php?catid=". $details['catid']; } } display_button($target,"continue-shopping","Continue Shopping"); //SSL鏈接--需要配置,PS:沒配置,所以不能使用 // $path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //獲取路徑 // $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; //獲取主機名 // $path = str_replace('show_cart.php','',$path); // display_button("https://". $server . $path ."checkout.php","go-to-checkout","Go To Checkout"); //非SSL鏈接 display_button("checkout.php","go-to-checkout","Go To Checkout"); do_html_footer(); ?>
5.2 output_fns.php文件中的函數display_cart()
function display_cart($cart,$change = true,$images = 1) //顯示購物車 { echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\"> <form action=\"show_cart.php\" method=\"post\"> <tr> <th colspan=\"". (1 + $images) ."\" bgcolor=\" #cccccc\">Item</th> <th bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Price</th> <th bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Quantity</th> <th bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Total</th> </tr>"; //輸出購物車中每一項 foreach($cart as $isbn => $qty) { $book = get_book_details($isbn); echo "<tr>"; if($images == true) { echo "<td align=\"left\">"; if(file_exists("images/". $isbn .".jpg")) { $size = getimagesize("images/". $isbn .".jpg"); if(($size[0] > 0) && ($size[1] > 1)) //圖片長寬 { echo "<img src=\"images/". $isbn .".jpg\" style=\"border: 1px solid black\" width=\"". ($size[0] / 3) ."\" height=\"". ($size[1] / 3) ."\"/>"; } } else echo " "; echo "</td>"; } echo "<td align=\"left\"> <a href=\"show_book.php?isbn=". $isbn ."\">". $book['title'] ."</a> by". $book['author'] ."</td> <td align=\"center\">\$". number_format($book['price'],2) ."</td><td align=\"center\">"; //如果允許更改數量 if ($change == true) { echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"".$isbn."\" value=\"".$qty."\" size=\"3\">"; } else { echo $qty; } echo "</td><td align=\"center\">\$".number_format($book['price']*$qty,2)."</td></tr>\n"; } //總數 echo "<tr> <th colspan=\"". (2 + $images) ."\" bgcolor = \"#cccccc\"> </th> <th align = \"center\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">". $_SESSION['items'] ."</th> <th align = \"center\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">\$". number_format($_SESSION['total_price'],2) ."</th></tr>"; //保存按鈕 if($change == true) { echo "<tr> <td colspan = \"". (2 + $images) ."\"> </td> <td align = \"center \"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"save\"value=\"true\" /> <input type = \"image\" src = \"images/save-changes.gif\" border = \" 0 \" alt = \" Save Changes \" /> </td> <td> </td> </tr>"; } echo "</form></table>"; }
5.3 book_fns.php文件中的函數calculate_price()
function calculate_price($cart) //計算購物車中物品總價 { $price = 0.0; if(is_array($cart)) { $conn = db_connect(); foreach($cart as $isbn => $qty) { $query = "select price from books where isbn ='". $isbn ."'"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if($result) { $item = $result ->fetch_object(); $item_price = $item ->price; $price += $item_price * $qty; } } } return $price; }
5.4 book_fns.php文件中的函數calculate_items()
function calculate_items($cart) //計算購物車中的物品總數 { $items = 0; if(is_array($cart)) { foreach($cart as $isbn => $qty) $items += $qty; } return $items; }
5.5 checkout.php
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 向用戶顯示所有的訂單細節。獲取商品運送細節 */ //require_once語句和require語句完全相同,唯一區別是PHP會檢查該文件是否已經被包含過,如果是則不會再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); do_html_header("Checkout"); if((@$_SESSION['cart']) && (array_count_values($_SESSION['cart']))) { display_cart($_SESSION['cart'],false,0); display_checkout_form(); } else { echo "<p>Thers are no items in your cart</p>"; } display_button("show_cart.php","continue-shopping","Continue Shopping"); do_html_footer(); ?>
5.6 output_fns.php文件中的display_checkout_form()
function display_checkout_form() //輸出付款台界面 { ?> <br /> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacng="0"> <form action="purchase.php" method="post"> <tr> <!--客戶信息--> <th colspan="2" bgcolor="#cccccc">Your Details</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="name" value="" maxlength="40" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Address</td> <td><input type="text" name="address" value="" maxlength="40" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>City/Suburb</td> <td><input type="text" name="city" value="" maxlength="20" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>State/Province</td> <td><input type="text" name="state" value="" maxlength="20" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Postal Code or Zip Code</td> <td><input type="text" name="zip" value="" maxlength="10" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Country</td> <td><input type="text" name="country" value="" maxlength="10" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <!--運單信息--> <th colspan="2" bgcolor="#cccccc">Shipping Address(leave blank if as above)</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="ship_name" maxlength=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Address</td> <td><input type="text" name="ship_address" value="" maxlength="40" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>City/Suburb</td> <td><input type="text" name="ship_city" value="" maxlength="20" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>State/Province</td> <td><input type="text" name="ship_state" value="" maxlength="20" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Postal Code or Zip Code</td> <td><input type="text" name="ship_zip" value="" maxlength="10" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Country</td> <td><input type="text" name="ship_country" value="" maxlength="20" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <p> <strong>Please press Purchase to confirm your purchase, or Continue Shopping to add or remove items.</strong> </p> <?php display_form_button("purchase","Purchase There Items"); ?> </td> </tr> </form> </table> <hr /> <?php }
5.7 purchase.php
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 從用戶獲取付款細節 */ //require_once語句和require語句完全相同,唯一區別是PHP會檢查該文件是否已經被包含過,如果是則不會再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); do_html_header("Checkout"); //創建變量 $name = $_POST['name']; $address = $_POST['address']; $city = $_POST['city']; $zip = $_POST['zip']; $country = $_POST['country']; //如果訂單細節填滿 if(($_SESSION['cart']) && ($name) && ($address) && ($city) && ($zip) && ($country)) { if(insert_order($_POST) != false) { display_cart($_SESSION['cart'],false,0); display_shipping(calculate_shipping_cost()); display_card_form($name); display_button("show_cart.php","continue-shopping","Continue Shopping"); } else { echo "<p>Could not store data, please try again.</p><hr/>"; display_button('checkout.php','back','Back'); } } else { echo "<p>You did not fill in all the fields, please try again.</p><hr/>"; display_button('checkout.php','back','Back'); } do_html_footer(); ?>
5.8 order_fns.php文件中的函數insert_order()
function insert_order($order_details) //提取訂單細節作為變量 { extract($order_details); //設置郵寄地址為當前地址 if((!$ship_name) && (!$ship_address) && (!$ship_city) && (!$ship_state) && (!$ship_zip) &&(!$ship_country)) { $ship_name = $name; $ship_address = $address; $ship_city = $city; $ship_state = $state; $ship_zip = $zip; $ship_country = $country; } //連接數據庫 $conn = db_connect(); //事務開始,必須關閉自動提交 $conn ->autocommit(false); $query = "select customrid from customers where name ='". $name ."' and address = '". $address ."' and city = '". $city ."' and state = '". $state ."' and zip = '". $zip ."' and country = '". $country ."'"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(@$result ->num_rows > 0) { $customer = $result ->fetch_object(); $customerid = $customer ->customerid; } else { $query = "insert into customers values ('','". $name ."','". $address ."','". $city ."','". $state ."','". $zip ."','". $country ."')"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(!$result) return false; } $customerid = $conn ->insert_id; //返回上次查詢中自增量的ID $date = date("Y-m-d"); $query ="insert into orders values ('','". $customerid ."','". $_SESSION['total_price'] ."','". $date ."','PARTIAL','". $ship_name ."','". $ship_address ."','". $ship_city ."','". $ship_state ."','". $ship_zip ."','". $ship_country ."')"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(!$result) return false; $query = "select orderid from orders where customerid ='". $customerid ."' and amount > (". $_SESSION['total_price'] ."-.001) and amount < (". $_SESSION['total_price'] ."+.001) and date ='". $date ."' and order_status = 'PARTIAL' and ship_name ='". $ship_name ."' and ship_address ='". $ship_address ."' and ship_city ='". $ship_city ."' and ship_state ='". $ship_state ."' and ship_zip ='". $ship_zip ."' and ship_country ='". $ship_country ."'"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if($result ->num_rows > 0) { $order = $result ->fetch_object(); $orderid = $order ->orderid; } else return false; foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $isbn => $quantity) { $detail = get_book_details($isbn); $query = "delete from order_items where orderid = '". $orderid ."' and isbn = '". $isbn ."'"; $result = $conn ->query($query); $query = "insert into order_items values ('". $orderid ."','". $isbn ."',". $detail['price'] .",$quantity)"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(!$result) return false; } //事務關閉,開啟自動提交 $conn ->commit(); $conn ->autocommit(true); return $orderid; }
5.9 output_fns.php文件中的函數display_shipping()
function display_shipping($shipping) //輸出包含運費的總價 { ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="left">Shipping</td> <td align="right"> <?php echo number_format($shipping, 2); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" align="left">TOTAL INCLUDING SHIPPING</th> <th bgcolor="#cccccc" align="right">$ <?php echo number_format($shipping+$_SESSION['total_price'], 2); ?></th> </tr> </table> <br /> <?php }
5.10 output_fns.php文件中的函數display_card_form()
function display_card_form($name) //輸出信用卡信息 { ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <form action="process.php" method="post"> <tr> <th colspan="2" bgcolor="#cccccc">Credit Card Details</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Type</td> <td> <select name="card_type"> <option value="VISA">VISA</option> <option value="MasterCard">MasterCard</option> <option value="American Express">American Express</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Number</td> <td><input type="text" name="card_number" value="" maxlength="16" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>AMEX code (if required)</td> <td><input type="text" name="amex_code" value="" maxlength="4" size="4"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Expiry Date</td> <td>Month <select name="card_month"> <option value="01">01</option> <option value="02">02</option> <option value="03">03</option> <option value="04">04</option> <option value="05">05</option> <option value="06">06</option> <option value="07">07</option> <option value="08">08</option> <option value="09">09</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="11">11</option> <option value="12">12</option> </select> Year <select name="card_year"> <?php for($y = date("Y"); $y < date("Y") + 10; $y++) echo "<option value =\"". $y ."\">" . $y ."</option>"; ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name on Card</td> <td><input type="text" name="card_name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>" maxlength="40" size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <p> <strong>Please press Purchase to confirm yout purchase, or Continue Shopping to add or remove items</strong> </p> <?php display_form_button('purchase','Purchase These Items'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php }
5.11 db_fns.php文件中的函數db_connect()
function db_connect() //連接數據庫 { $result = new mysqli('localhost','book_sc','password','book_sc'); if(!$result) //連接失敗 return false; $result ->autocommit(true); return $result; }
6.1 process.php
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 處理付款細節,將訂單添加到數據庫 */ //require_once語句和require語句完全相同,唯一區別是PHP會檢查該文件是否已經被包含過,如果是則不會再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); do_html_header('Checkout'); //創建變量 $card_type = $_POST['card_type']; $card_number = $_POST['card_number']; $card_month = $_POST['card_month']; $card_year = $_POST['card_year']; $card_name = $_POST['card_name']; if(($_SESSION['cart']) && ($card_type) && ($card_number) && ($card_month) && ($card_year) &&($card_name)) { //顯示沒有圖片,不允許更改數量的購物車 display_cart($_SESSION['cart'],false,0); display_shipping(calculate_shipping_cost()); if(process_card($_POST)) { //清空購物車 session_destroy(); //這裡可以寫一些關於信用卡接口調用的函數,調用銀行寫好的接口 echo "<p>Thank you for shopping with us. Your order has been placed.</p>"; display_button("index.php","continue-shopping","Continue Shopping"); } else { echo "<p>Could not process your card. Please contact the card issuer or try again.</p>"; display_button("purchase.php","back","Back"); } } else { echo "<p>You did not fill in all the fields,please try again.</p><hr/>"; display_button("purchase.php","back","Back"); } do_html_footer(); ?>