PHP Reflection是用於獲取類、擴展、方法、函數、對象、參數、屬性的詳細信息。
<?php class Person { /** * For the sake of demonstration, we"re setting this private */ private $_allowDynamicAttributes = false; /** type=primary_autoincrement */ protected $id = 0; /** type=varchar length=255 null */ protected $name; /** type=text null */ protected $biography; public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setId($v) { $this->id = $v; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($v) { $this->name = $v; } public function getBiography() { return $this->biography; } public function setBiography($v) { $this->biography = $v; } } //導出類 ReflectionClass::export('Person'); $r = new ReflectionClass('Person'); //獲取所有屬性 print_r($r->getProperties()); /** * 獲取指定屬性 * ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC * ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC * ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED * ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE */ print_r($r->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE)); //獲取注釋 print_r($r->getProperty('id')->getDocComment()); //獲取方法 print_r($r->getMethods());
ReflectionExtension 類用於獲取擴展相關信息
$re = new ReflectionExtension('Reflection'); print_r($re->getClasses()); //擴展的所有類 print_r($re->getClassNames()); //擴展所有類名 $dom = new ReflectionExtension('mysql'); print_r($dom->getConstants());//擴展常量 print_r($dom->getDependencies());//該擴展依賴 print_r($dom->getFunctions());//擴展方法 print_r($dom->getINIEntries());//擴展ini信息 print_r($dom->getName());//擴展名稱 print_r($dom->getVersion());//擴展版本 print_r($dom->info());//擴展信息 print_r($dom->isPersistent());//是否是持久擴展 print_r($dom->isTemporary()); //是否是臨時擴展
ReflectionFunction類 用戶獲取函數相關信息
$rf = new ReflectionFunction('array_merge'); foreach($rf->getParameters() as $item) { echo $item . PHP_EOL; }
class Person { public $name; /** * get name of person */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($v) { $this->name = $v; } } $rm = new ReflectionMethod('Person', 'getName'); print_r($rm->isPublic()); print_r($rm->getDocComment());
ReflectionObject 類 用於獲取對象相關信息
class Person { public $name; public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($v) { $this->name = $v; } } $a = new Person('a'); $ro = new ReflectionObject($a); print_r($ro->getMethods());
ReflectionParameter 獲取函數或方法參數的相關信息。
class Person { public $name; public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($v) { $this->name = $v; } } $p = new ReflectionParameter(array('Person', 'setName'), 0); print_r($p->getPosition()); //0 print_r($p->getName()); //v
ReflectionProperty 獲取類的屬性的相關信息。
class Person { /** 測試 */ public $name; public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setName($v) { $this->name = $v; } } $p = new ReflectionProperty('Person', 'name'); print_r($p->getDocComment());