Sub CreateRandomAutonumber() ' Create database, tabledef, and field objects. Dim db As DAO.Database Dim td As DAO.TableDef Dim f As DAO.Field ' Set the database object to the current database. ' Set the tabledef object to a new table named Table1. ' Set the f (field) object to a new field in Table1 named MyAutoNumber. Set db = CurrentDb Set td = db.CreateTableDef("Table1") Set f = td.CreateField("MyAutoNumber") ' Set the type and auto-increment properties for the Table1 field named ' MyAutoNumber. f.Type = dbLong f.Attributes = dbAutoIncrField ' Append the MyAutoNumber field to Table1. td.Fields.Append f ' Create a new text field in Table1. Set f = td.CreateField("MyTextField") ' Set the type property for MyTextField. f.Type = dbText ' Append the MyTextField field to Table1. td.Fields.Append f ' Append the Table1 tabledef to the database. db.TableDefs.Append td ' Set the default value for MyAutoNumber to a random number function. td.FIElds("MyAutoNumber").DefaultValue = "GenUniqueID()" ' Refresh the database window. Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow End Sub