ORAPWD FILE=filename [ENTRIES=numusers] [FORCE={Y|N}] [IGNORECASE={Y|N}]
Command arguments are summarized in the following table.
There are no spaces permitted around the equal-to (=) character.
The command prompts for the SYS password and stores the password in the created password file.
The following command creates a password file named orapworcl that allows up to 30 privileged users with different passwords.
orapwd FILE=orapworcl ENTRIES=30
orapwd FILE=filename [ENTRIES=numusers] [FORCE={y|n}] [ASM={y|n}] [DBUNIQUENAME=dbname] [FORMAT={12|legacy}] [SYSBACKUP={y|n}] [SYSDG={y|n}] [SYSKM={y|n}] [DELETE={y|n}] [INPUT_FILE=input-fname]orapwd DESCRIBE FILE=filenameCommand arguments are summarized in the following table.
Argument Description FILE If the DESCRIBE argument is not included, then specify the name to assign to the new password file. You must supply a complete path. If you supply only a file name, the file is written to the current directory.If the DESCRIBE argument is included, then specify the name of an existing password file.
PASSWORD Password for SYS. You are prompted for the password if it is not specified. The password is stored in the created password file.ENTRIES (Optional) Maximum number of entries (user accounts) to permit in the file.FORCE (Optional) If y, permits overwriting an existing password file.ASM (Optional) If y, create an Oracle ASM password file in an Oracle ASM disk group.If n, the default, create a password file in the operating system file system. When the DBUNIQUENAME argument is specified, the password file is a database password file. When the DBUNIQUENAME argument is not specified, the password file can be a database password file or an Oracle ASM password file.
DBUNIQUENAME Unique database name used to identify database password files residing in an ASM disk group only. This argument is required when the database password file is stored on an Oracle ASM disk group. This argument is ignored when an Oracle ASM password file is created by setting the ASM argument to y.FORMAT (Optional) If 12, the default, the password file is created in Oracle Database 12c format. This format supports the SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, and SYSKM administrative privileges.If legacy, the password file is in legacy format, which is the format before Oracle Database 12c. This argument cannot be set to legacywhen the SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, or SYSKM argument is specified.
SYSBACKUP (Optional) If y, creates a SYSBACKUP entry in the password file. You are prompted for the password. The password is stored in the created password file.SYSDG (Optional) If y, creates a SYSDG entry in the password file. You are prompted for the password. The password is stored in the created password file.SYSKM (Optional) If y, creates a SYSKM entry in the password file. You are prompted for the password. The password is stored in the created password file.DELETE (Optional) If y, delete the specified password file.If n, the default, create the specified password file.
INPUT_FILE (Optional) Name of the input password file. ORAPWD migrates the entries in the input file to a new password file. This argument can convert a password file from legacy format to Oracle Database 12cformat. ORAPWD cannot migrate an input password that is stored in an Oracle ASM disk group.DESCRIBE Describes the properties of the specified password file, including theFORMAT value (12 or legacy) and the IGNORECASE value (y orn)