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mysql my-innodb-heavy-4G.cnf 配置y詳細解讀


#DESCR: 4GB RAM, InnoDB only, ACID, few connections, heavy queries

#描述:4GB 內存、只有 InnoDB、ACID、很少連接數、繁重的查詢





# This is a MySQL example config file for systems with 4GB of memory

# running mostly MySQL using InnoDB only tables and performing complex

# queries with few connections.

# 這是一個針對 4G 內存系統(主要運行只有 InnoDB 表的 MySQL 並使用幾個連接數執行復雜的查詢)的 MySQL 配置文件例子。


# MySQL programs look for option files in a set of

# locations which depend on the deployment platform.

# You can copy this option file to one of those

# locations. For information about these locations, see:

# http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/option-files.html


# In this file, you can use all long options that a program supports.

# If you want to know which options a program supports, run the program

# with the "--help" option.


# More detailed information about the individual options can also be

# found in the manual.




# The following options will be read by MySQL client applications.

# Note that only client applications shipped by MySQL are guaranteed

# to read this section. If you want your own MySQL client program to

# honor these values, you need to specify it as an option during the

# MySQL client library initialization.

# 下面的選項將被 MySQL 客戶端應用程序所讀取。

# 注意,只有 MySQL 標准的客戶端應用程序是被保證能讀取到該章節的。

# 如果你希望你自己的 MySQL 客戶端程序能夠承兌這些值,你需要在 MySQL 客戶端庫初始化中作為一個選項來指定它。



#password = [your_password]

port = 3306

socket = /usr/local/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock


# *** Application-specific options follow here ***

# *** 應用程序特定的選項在下面 ***


# The MySQL server




# generic configuration options

# 通用配置選項

port = 3306

socket = /usr/local/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock


# back_log is the number of connections the operating system can keep in

# the listen queue, before the MySQL connection manager thread has

# processed them. If you have a very high connection rate and experience

# "connection refused" errors, you might need to increase this value.

# Check your OS documentation for the maximum value of this parameter.

# Attempting to set back_log higher than your operating system limit

# will have no effect.

# back_log 是指保持在操作系統監聽隊列中的連接數量,即在 MySQL 連接管理器線程處理它們之前的連接數量。

# 如果你有一個非常高的連接率並見到過“拒絕連接”的錯誤,你可能需要提高該值。

# 檢查你的操作系統文檔中該參數 的最大值。

# 試圖將 back_log 設置得高於你操作系統的限制將不會起到任何作用。

back_log = 50


# Don't listen on a TCP/IP port at all. This can be a security

# enhancement, if all processes that need to connect to mysqld run

# on the same host. All interaction with mysqld must be made via Unix

# sockets or named pipes.

# Note that using this option without enabling named pipes on Windows

# (via the "enable-named-pipe" option) will render mysqld useless!

# 根本不用監聽一個 TCP/IP 端口。

# 如果運行在相同主機上的所有進程都需要連接到 mysqld,這可能是一個安全增強。

# 所有與 mysqld 的互動都必須通過 Unix sockets(套接字)或命名管道進行。

# 注意,在 Windows 上使用該選項但卻不啟用命名管道(通過“enable-named-pipe”選項)將使得 mysqld 變得無用。



# The maximum amount of concurrent sessions the MySQL server will

# allow. One of these connections will be reserved for a user with

# SUPER privileges to allow the administrator to login even if the

# connection limit has been reached.

# MySQL 允許的並發會話的最大數量。

# 其中的一個連接將被保留給擁有 SUPER 特權的用戶,即使已經到達了連接限制,仍可以允許管理者登錄。

max_connections = 100


# Maximum amount of errors allowed per host. If this limit is reached,

# the host will be blocked from connecting to the MySQL server until

# "FLUSH HOSTS" has been run or the server was restarted. Invalid

# passwords and other errors during the connect phase result in

# increasing this value. See the "Aborted_connects" status variable for

# global counter.

# 每個主機允許的最大錯誤數量。

# 如果已到達該限制,主機將阻止對 MySQL 服務器的連接,直到運行“FLUSH HOSTS”或者服務器被重啟。

# 在連接階段的無效密碼和其它錯誤將導致該值被提高。  

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