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Writing to a MySQL database from SSIS,databasessis


Writing to a MySQL database from SSIS,databasessis

Writing to a MySQL database from SSIS


出處  :  http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mattm/archive/2009/01/07/writing-to-a-mysql-database-from-ssis.aspx

Matt Masson - MSFT  7 Jan 2009 8:32 PM 
  • 16

A couple of users reported being unable to use the ADO.NET destination to insert data into their mysql databases. When I originally tried this out, it worked, but it seems like changes made since the early 2008 CTPs have made us incompatible with MySQL. We do have a bug logged to make this more flexible, but the good news is that in the meantime there is a workaround when using the ODBC connector.

For the ADO.NET Destination to work properly, the MySQL database needs to have the ANSI_QUOTES SQL_MODEoption enabled. This option can be enabled globally, or for a particular session. To enable it for a single session:

Setting the RetainSameConnection property to True will ensure that your Execute SQL Task and ADO.NET Destination are in the same session.

Note, I recommend using the ODBC Driver when writing to the MySQL database, because the MySQL .NET Connector has an additional blocking issue. If you try it out, you’ll get an error which looks something like this:

Error: 2009-01-05 12:03:47.79 
   Code: 0xC020844B 
   Source: Data Flow Task 1 Destination - Query [28] 
   Description: An exception has occurred during data insertion, the message returned from the provider is: You have an 
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use nea 
r '"name", "date", "type", "remark") VALUES (p1, p2, p3, p4), (p1,p2,p3,p4), (p1,p2' at line 1 
End Error

Note that the “VALUES” portion has parameter names, and not the actual values. This appears to be an issue with the value the MySQL provider returns for its ParameterMarkerFormat. I did find a bug that was opened against them, but it looks like they decided not to fix it. I’ve heard that the DevArt dotConnect drivers do not have this problem, but I haven’t been able to try them out myself.

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