fil_init 主要是初始化文件打開指針哈希表,所有打開的文件全記錄在 fil_system 之中,構造按名字查找的哈希表
buf_pool_init 內存緩沖池的初始化,對應 buf_pool_ptr 數組之中,還初始化了 adaptive hash index 的內存
log_init 初始化log緩沖區,默認大小為 512*16k, 每個log頁面大小為 #define OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE 512 日志文件在創建過程中也是指定不用系統緩存
lock_sys_create 初始化系統鎖,就是建了一個HASH表,lock_sys
recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start 開始執行恢復
dict_boot 初始化表結構的緩存,dict_sys,建兩個hash表,可以根據表名和表ID查找;初始化系統表,就四個 SYS_TABLES SYS_COLUMNS SYS_INDEXES SYS_FIELDS ;初始化 insert buffer,每一個表空間對應一個;讀入上面四個系統表中的內容
trx_sys_init_at_db_start 初初化事務結構體 trx_sys ; Creates the global purge system control structure and inits the history
dict_create_or_check_foreign_constraint_tables 創建另外兩張系統表 SYS_FOREIGN SYS_FOREIGN_COLS
1個 insert buffer thread
1個 log thread
4個 aio read thread
4個 aio write thread
1個 lock timeout thread A thread which wakes up threads whose lock wait may have lasted too long
1個 error monitor thread A thread which prints warnings about semaphore waits which have lasted too long
1個 monitor thread A thread which prints the info output by various InnoDB monitors
1個 master thread The master thread controlling the server
1個 thread handle shutdown
1個 handle connections socket 專門用來處理連理的
1個 trx_rollback_or_clean_all_recovered Rollback the uncommitted transactions which have no user session
struct st_mysql_plugin *mysql_optional_plugins[]=
builtin_innobase_plugin, builtin_perfschema_plugin, builtin_partition_plugin, 0
struct st_mysql_plugin *mysql_mandatory_plugins[]=
builtin_binlog_plugin, builtin_mysql_password_plugin, builtin_csv_plugin, builtin_heap_plugin, builtin_myisam_plugin, builtin_myisammrg_plugin, 0
初始化的 binlog memory myisam innodb pefformance_schema partition
作者 spche