安裝和使用TPCC-MySQL工具遇到的問題 本文主要講述 TPCC-MySQL 工具在獲取和使用時遇到的問題。 ============= 我是分割線 =============== Tpcc-mysql 是 percona 基於 tpcc 衍生出來的產品,專用於 mysql 基准測試,其源碼放在 bazaar 上( Bazaar 是一個分布式的版本控制系統,采用 GPL 許可協議,可運行於 Windows、GNU/Linux、UNIX 以及 Mac OS 系統之上。Bazaar 由 Canonical 公司(Ubuntu 母公司)贊助),因此還需要先安裝 bazaar 客戶端。 【工具的獲取】 1. 安裝 bzr 客戶端 可以通過 yum -y install bzr 方式安裝 bzr ,但默認會安裝到 /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages 之中(我的系統為 CentOS release 5.6 (Final) )。如果希望安裝的位置是 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages ,通過 yum 方式可能無法滿足(或者說我不知道怎麼操作)。於是采用 pip 方式安裝。 1 [root@Betty site-packages]# pip install bzr 安裝成功後,可以看到 1 [root@Betty site-packages]# pip show bzr 2 --- 3 Name: bzr 4 Version: 2.6.0 5 Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages 6 Requires: 7 [root@Betty site-packages]# 2. 用 bzr 客戶端下載 tpcc-mysql 源碼 首先需要登錄到 https://launchpad.net/bzr 上注冊帳號(假設注冊後用戶 ID 為 special-agent ),並登陸。 然後需要在 linux 下生成 SSH 使用的密鑰。 01 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# ssh-keygen -t rsa 02 Generating public/private rsa key pair. 03 Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 04 Created directory '/root/.ssh'. 05 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 06 Enter same passphrase again: 07 Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. 08 Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. 09 The key fingerprint is: 10 17:b3:91:e6:b2:47:5c:15:5f:d6:ee:8a:d8:b1:5c:da root@Betty 11 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# 之後將公鑰所在文件 id_rsa.pub 的內容復制到 https://launchpad.net/~special-agent/+editsshkeys 中的輸入框中,並提交(紅色部分換成你自己的 UserID)。 最後通過 bzr 命令下載 tpcc-mysql 源碼。 01 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# bzr help launchpad-login 02 Purpose: Show or set the Launchpad user ID. 03 Usage: bzr launchpad-login [NAME] 04 05 Options: 06 --usage Show usage message and options. 07 --no-check Don't check that the user name is valid. 08 -q, --quiet Only display errors and warnings. 09 -v, --verbose Display more information. 10 -h, --help Show help message. 11 12 Description: 13 When communicating with Launchpad, some commands need to know your 14 Launchpad user ID. This command can be used to set or show the 15 user ID that Bazaar will use for such communication. 16 17 Examples: 18 Show the Launchpad ID of the current user: 19 20 bzr launchpad-login 21 22 Set the Launchpad ID of the current user to 'bob': 23 24 bzr launchpad-login bob 25 26 Aliases: lp-login 27 From: plugin "launchpad" 1 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# bzr launchpad-login special-agent 1 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# bzr branch lp:~percona-dev/perconatools/tpcc-mysql 2 The authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established. 3 RSA key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89. 4 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 5 Warning: Permanently added 'bazaar.launchpad.net,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. 6 Branched 48 revisions. 7 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# 查看下載下來的文件。 01 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# ll tpcc-mysql/ 02 total 36 03 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 851 Jul 30 14:30 README 04 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1621 Jul 30 14:30 add_fkey_idx.sql 05 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 317 Jul 30 14:30 count.sql 06 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3105 Jul 30 14:30 create_table.sql 07 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 763 Jul 30 14:30 drop_cons.sql 08 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 477 Jul 30 14:30 load.sh 09 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:30 schema2 10 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:30 scripts 11 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 30 14:30 src 12 [root@Betty WGET_DIR]# 可能需要對 Makefile 文件做調整才能通過編譯。我的 改動如下: 01 # 02 # "make all" to build necessary executables. 03 # 04 05 LIBS= `mysql_config --libs_r` -lrt 06 INC= -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ 07 #DEFS= -DDEBUG 08 CFLAGS= -w -O2 -g 09 TRANSACTIONS= neword.o payment.o ordstat.o delivery.o slev.o 10 OBJS= main.o spt_proc.o driver.o support.o sequence.o rthist.o $(TRANSACTIONS) 11 12 .SUFFIXES: 13 .SUFFIXES: .o .c 14 15 .c.o: 16 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEFS) -c $*.c 17 18 all: ../tpcc_load ../tpcc_start 19 20 ../tpcc_load : load.o support.o 21 $(CC) load.o support.o $(LIBS) -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/ -o ../tpcc_load 22 23 ../tpcc_start : $(OBJS) 24 $(CC) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/ -o ../tpcc_start 25 26 clean : 27 rm -f *.o 執行 make 後生成工具 tpcc_load 和 tpcc_start 。 01 [root@Betty src]# 02 [root@Betty src]# make 03 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c load.c 04 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c support.c 05 cc load.o support.o `mysql_config --libs_r` -lrt -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/ -o ../tpcc_load 06 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c main.c 07 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c spt_proc.c 08 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c driver.c 09 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c sequence.c 10 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c rthist.c 11 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c neword.c 12 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c payment.c 13 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c ordstat.c 14 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c delivery.c 15 cc -w -O2 -g -I. `mysql_config --include` -I/usr/local/mysql/include/ -c slev.c 16 cc main.o spt_proc.o driver.o support.o sequence.o rthist.o neword.o payment.o ordstat.o delivery.o slev.o `mysql_config --libs_r` -lrt -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/ -o ../tpcc_start 17 [root@Betty src]# 查看 README 文件的內容(簡單實用的說明) 01 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# vi README 02 03 1. Build binaries 04 * cd scr ; make 05 ( you should have mysql_config available in $PATH) 06 07 08 2. Load data 09 * create database 10 mysqladmin create tpcc1000 11 * create tables 12 mysql tpcc1000 < create_table.sql 13 * create indexes and FK ( this step can be done after loading data) 14 mysql tpcc1000 < add_fkey_idx.sql 15 * populate data 16 - simple step 17 tpcc_load tpcc1000 root "" 1000 18 |hostname:port| |dbname| |user| |password| |WAREHOUSES| 19 ref. tpcc_load --help for all options 20 - load data in parallel 21 check load.sh script 22 23 24 3. start benchmark 25 * ./tpcc_start -h127.0.0.1 -P33000 -dtpcc1000 -uroot -w1000 -c32 -r10 -l10800 26 |hostname| |port| |dbname| |user| |WAREHOUSES| |CONNECTIONS| |WARMUP TIME| |BENCHMARK TIME| 27 * ref. tpcc_start --help for all options 查看兩個工具的幫助命令。 01 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# ./tpcc_load --help 02 ************************************* 03 *** ###easy### TPC-C Data Loader *** 04 ************************************* 05 06 usage: tpcc_load [server] [DB] [user] [pass] [warehouse] 07 OR 08 tpcc_load [server] [DB] [user] [pass] [warehouse] [part] [min_wh] [max_wh] 09 10 * [part]: 1=ITEMS 2=WAREHOUSE 3=CUSTOMER 4=ORDERS 1 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# ./tpcc_start --help 2 *************************************** 3 *** ###easy### TPC-C Load Generator *** 4 *************************************** 5 ./tpcc_start: invalid option -- - 6 Usage: tpcc_start -h server_host -P port -d database_name -u mysql_user -p mysql_password -w warehouses -c connections -r warmup_time -l running_time -i report_interval -f report_file -t trx_file 7 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# 【工具的簡單使用】 創建庫 tpcc100 。 1 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# mysqladmin create tpcc100 2 mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed 3 error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)' 4 Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' exists! 5 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# 6 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# mysqladmin -S /tmp/mysql.sock create tpcc100 創建表。 1 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# mysql -S /tmp/mysql.sock tpcc100 < create_table.sql 創建索引和 FK 。 1 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# mysql -S /tmp/mysql.sock tpcc100 < add_fkey_idx.sql 創建 100 個數據倉庫並填充數據(即使100個倉庫也花了好久時間)。 01 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# 02 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# ./tpcc_load localhost tpcc100 root "" 100 03 ************************************* 04 *** ###easy### TPC-C Data Loader *** 05 ************************************* 06 <Parameters> 07 [server]: localhost 08 [port]: 3306 09 [DBname]: tpcc100 10 [user]: root 11 [pass]: 12 [warehouse]: 100 13 TPCC Data Load Started... 14 Loading Item 15 .................................................. 5000 16 .................................................. 10000 17 .................................................. 15000 18 19 20 ... 21 22 23 Loading Orders for D=4, W= 100 24 .......... 1000 25 .......... 2000 26 .......... 3000 27 Orders Done. 28 Loading Orders for D=5, W= 100 29 .......... 1000 30 .......... 2000 31 .......... 3000 32 Orders Done. 33 Loading Orders for D=6, W= 100 34 .......... 1000 35 .......... 2000 36 .......... 3000 37 Orders Done. 38 Loading Orders for D=7, W= 100 39 .......... 1000 40 .......... 2000 41 .......... 3000 42 Orders Done. 43 Loading Orders for D=8, W= 100 44 .......... 1000 45 .......... 2000 46 .......... 3000 47 Orders Done. 48 Loading Orders for D=9, W= 100 49 .......... 1000 50 .......... 2000 51 .......... 3000 52 Orders Done. 53 Loading Orders for D=10, W= 100 54 .......... 1000 55 .......... 2000 56 .......... 3000 57 Orders Done. 58 59 60 ...DATA LOADING COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY. 61 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# 對 100 個數據倉庫,預熱 120 秒,100 個並發連接,運行 3600 秒, 結果存放在文件 tpcc100_20130730 中。 001 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# 002 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# ./tpcc_start -h localhost -d tpcc100 -u root -p '' -w 100 -c 100 -r 120 -l 3600 -f tpcc100_20130730 003 *************************************** 004 *** ###easy### TPC-C Load Generator *** 005 *************************************** 006 option h with value 'localhost' 007 option d with value 'tpcc100' 008 option u with value 'root' 009 option p with value '' 010 option w with value '100' 011 option c with value '100' 012 option r with value '120' 013 option l with value '3600' 014 option f with value 'tpcc100_20130730' 015 <Parameters> 016 [server]: localhost 017 [port]: 3306 018 [DBname]: tpcc100 019 [user]: root 020 [pass]: 021 [warehouse]: 100 022 [connection]: 100 023 [rampup]: 120 (sec.) 024 [measure]: 3600 (sec.) 025 026 027 RAMP-UP TIME.(120 sec.) 028 payment 87:1 029 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 030 payment 71:1 031 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 032 033 034 MEASURING START. 035 036 037 10, 27(0):1.745|1.848, 25(0):0.339|0.351, 2(0):0.171|0.172, 3(0):1.866|1.924, 2(0):6.002|6.103 038 20, 24(0):1.626|1.741, 16(0):0.320|0.322, 1(0):0.000|0.124, 1(0):0.000|1.734, 4(0):3.972|5.976 039 30, 21(0):1.554|1.681, 13(0):0.311|0.316, 2(0):0.121|0.193, 4(0):1.750|1.833, 2(0):3.156|5.219 040 40, 12(0):1.482|1.538, 45(0):0.332|0.342, 2(0):0.109|0.126, 3(0):1.672|1.753, 1(0):0.000|5.898 041 50, 14(0):1.463|1.650, 21(0):0.311|0.329, 4(0):0.140|0.165, 1(0):0.000|1.763, 3(0):5.527|5.596 042 60, 52(0):1.597|1.701, 17(0):0.288|0.309, 1(0):0.000|0.163, 2(0):1.613|1.697, 2(0):3.245|5.850 043 payment 29:1 044 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 045 70, 36(0):1.587|1.604, 15(0):0.287|0.289, 5(0):0.128|0.148, 1(0):0.000|1.915, 3(0):4.057|4.169 046 80, 38(0):1.635|1.735, 13(0):0.306|0.319, 1(0):0.000|0.129, 1(0):0.000|1.656, 2(0):4.998|5.101 047 90, 3(0):0.942|1.556, 17(0):0.313|0.314, 1(0):0.000|0.103, 5(0):1.733|1.736, 4(0):4.676|5.341 048 100, 19(0):1.183|1.218, 8(0):0.263|0.273, 3(0):0.124|0.140, 2(0):1.678|1.749, 0(0):0.000|0.000 049 110, 13(0):1.471|1.637, 9(0):0.266|0.269, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 4(0):1.732|1.777, 2(0):3.457|3.528 050 payment 12:1 051 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 052 120, 16(0):1.659|1.698, 12(0):0.285|0.321, 2(0):0.102|0.161, 2(0):1.671|1.732, 0(0):0.000|0.000 053 130, 27(0):1.624|1.735, 12(0):0.299|0.312, 1(0):0.000|0.162, 2(0):1.673|1.692, 2(0):3.473|5.142 054 payment 46:1 055 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 056 payment 21:1 057 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 058 payment 50:1 059 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 060 140, 9(0):1.282|1.586, 11(0):0.282|0.343, 2(0):0.146|0.152, 1(0):0.000|1.686, 1(0):0.000|3.857 061 payment 76:1 062 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 063 150, 2(0):0.601|0.791, 31(0):0.320|0.462, 1(0):0.000|0.130, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.993|5.798 064 160, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 21(0):0.313|0.316, 2(0):0.139|0.153, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.716|3.848 065 170, 15(0):1.107|1.181, 10(0):0.310|0.313, 2(0):0.102|0.131, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|5.739 066 180, 22(0):1.540|1.562, 12(0):0.296|0.336, 1(0):0.000|0.123, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):4.844|6.041 067 190, 13(0):1.414|1.548, 25(0):0.318|0.332, 1(0):0.000|0.108, 3(0):1.633|1.650, 0(0):0.000|0.000 068 200, 19(0):1.458|1.504, 7(0):0.309|0.314, 2(0):0.147|0.148, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):4.069|4.663 069 210, 23(0):1.607|1.726, 8(0):0.294|0.301, 1(0):0.000|0.114, 4(0):1.818|1.834, 1(0):0.000|5.623 070 payment 59:1 071 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 072 220, 11(0):1.220|1.348, 10(0):0.292|0.309, 1(0):0.000|0.140, 3(0):1.788|1.842, 1(0):0.000|3.541 073 230, 27(0):1.573|1.647, 19(0):0.324|0.370, 3(0):0.111|0.146, 1(0):0.000|1.664, 3(0):3.467|3.842 074 240, 1(0):0.000|0.877, 16(0):0.314|0.344, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):1.653|1.685, 1(0):0.000|3.741 075 250, 31(0):1.580|1.661, 8(0):0.323|0.324, 3(0):0.136|0.146, 3(0):1.721|1.805, 1(0):0.000|3.888 076 payment 95:1 077 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 078 260, 24(0):1.638|1.661, 9(0):0.303|0.315, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|1.676, 1(0):0.000|5.115 079 270, 15(0):1.470|1.536, 11(0):0.276|0.302, 3(0):0.125|0.130, 3(0):1.566|1.763, 3(0):5.104|5.545 080 payment 53:1 081 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 082 280, 11(0):1.561|1.631, 18(0):0.304|0.324, 1(0):0.000|0.117, 1(0):0.000|1.810, 1(0):0.000|3.687 083 payment 38:1 084 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 085 290, 17(0):1.281|1.466, 15(0):0.307|0.356, 1(0):0.000|0.137, 3(0):1.647|1.738, 1(0):0.000|3.775 086 payment 16:1 087 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 088 payment 13:1 089 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 090 payment 4:1 091 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 092 300, 17(0):1.520|1.625, 12(0):0.277|0.312, 1(0):0.000|0.117, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.560|3.879 093 payment 83:1 094 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 095 payment 71:1 096 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 097 payment 24:1 098 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 099 310, 14(0):1.154|1.182, 20(0):0.312|0.325, 3(0):0.111|0.134, 2(0):1.629|1.664, 2(0):3.881|4.627 100 payment 66:1 101 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 102 payment 10:1 103 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 104 320, 9(0):1.420|1.579, 19(0):0.341|0.357, 2(0):0.128|0.166, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|5.537 105 payment 49:1 106 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 107 payment 60:1 108 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 109 330, 19(0):1.325|1.340, 16(0):0.298|0.300, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):1.715|1.827, 1(0):0.000|4.190 110 payment 65:1 111 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 112 340, 15(0):1.658|1.691, 13(0):0.291|0.372, 2(0):0.129|0.176, 1(0):0.000|1.741, 0(0):0.000|0.000 113 payment 4:1 114 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 115 payment 47:1 116 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 117 350, 16(0):1.537|1.705, 18(0):0.318|0.347, 1(0):0.000|0.100, 2(0):1.663|1.783, 3(0):3.911|5.872 118 payment 83:1 119 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 120 payment 39:1 121 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 122 payment 30:1 123 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 124 360, 8(0):1.171|1.334, 23(0):0.329|0.393, 3(0):0.145|0.166, 3(0):1.740|1.742, 1(0):0.000|3.870 125 payment 97:1 126 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 127 payment 10:1 128 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 129 payment 23:1 130 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 131 370, 5(0):1.248|1.441, 12(0):0.269|0.283, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.495|4.072 132 payment 81:1 133 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 134 380, 27(0):1.645|1.737, 18(0):0.368|0.369, 3(0):0.101|0.118, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|3.680 135 payment 7:1 136 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 137 390, 10(0):1.119|1.504, 21(0):0.358|0.362, 1(0):0.000|0.117, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.920|6.066 138 payment 3:1 139 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 140 payment 53:1 141 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 142 400, 12(0):1.381|1.402, 12(0):0.300|0.346, 2(0):0.119|0.140, 3(0):1.693|1.721, 1(0):0.000|3.782 143 payment 62:1 144 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 145 410, 24(0):1.526|1.625, 23(0):0.397|0.402, 1(0):0.000|0.240, 2(0):1.567|1.628, 1(0):0.000|4.182 146 420, 8(0):1.548|1.589, 12(0):0.292|0.369, 1(0):0.000|0.114, 1(0):0.000|1.705, 3(0):3.859|4.125 147 payment 81:1 148 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 149 430, 26(0):1.576|1.596, 18(0):0.276|0.280, 3(0):0.105|0.143, 3(0):1.671|1.772, 1(0):0.000|4.054 150 440, 17(0):1.562|1.664, 22(0):0.307|0.321, 1(0):0.000|0.113, 3(0):1.708|1.718, 1(0):0.000|5.911 151 payment 3:1 152 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 153 payment 53:1 154 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 155 450, 13(0):1.471|1.621, 8(0):0.310|0.326, 2(0):0.107|0.121, 2(0):1.727|1.748, 2(0):3.655|5.935 156 payment 86:1 157 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 158 payment 11:1 159 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 160 460, 18(0):1.330|1.356, 13(0):0.308|0.312, 2(0):0.120|0.140, 2(0):1.698|1.709, 3(0):3.994|5.304 161 payment 45:1 162 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 163 470, 18(0):1.618|1.665, 26(0):0.317|0.370, 1(0):0.000|0.161, 2(0):1.755|1.782, 1(0):0.000|3.278 164 480, 18(0):1.471|1.550, 11(0):0.304|0.422, 2(0):0.132|0.137, 1(0):0.000|1.638, 2(0):3.614|5.653 165 490, 14(0):1.693|1.707, 16(0):0.294|0.307, 2(0):0.155|0.164, 1(0):0.000|1.731, 1(0):0.000|3.328 166 500, 17(0):1.450|1.600, 23(0):0.297|0.328, 2(0):0.132|0.150, 2(0):1.669|1.733, 1(0):0.000|3.543 167 payment 86:1 168 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 169 payment 7:1 170 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 171 payment 90:1 172 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 173 510, 28(0):1.574|1.664, 6(0):0.264|0.429, 1(0):0.000|0.122, 1(0):0.000|1.709, 3(0):3.879|3.894 174 payment 11:1 175 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 176 payment 73:1 177 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 178 520, 15(0):1.587|1.651, 35(0):0.335|0.411, 1(0):0.000|0.101, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.725|4.225 179 530, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 14(0):0.318|0.355, 2(0):0.125|0.137, 1(0):0.000|1.713, 2(0):4.142|4.331 180 payment 82:1 181 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 182 540, 26(0):1.524|1.648, 28(0):0.329|0.347, 2(0):0.109|0.164, 2(0):1.720|1.821, 1(0):0.000|2.981 183 payment 91:1 184 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 185 550, 8(0):1.498|1.518, 21(0):0.315|0.385, 2(0):0.150|0.156, 1(0):0.000|1.664, 0(0):0.000|0.000 186 560, 19(0):1.304|1.453, 15(0):0.288|0.293, 2(0):0.104|0.121, 3(0):1.727|1.844, 3(0):4.177|4.517 187 570, 24(0):1.679|1.691, 8(0):0.242|0.245, 1(0):0.000|0.146, 1(0):0.000|1.725, 2(0):3.718|4.960 188 580, 4(0):1.478|1.684, 23(0):0.323|0.325, 1(0):0.000|0.122, 1(0):0.000|1.663, 2(0):3.510|3.705 189 590, 38(0):1.572|1.633, 31(0):0.342|0.352, 4(0):0.117|0.128, 1(0):0.000|1.701, 1(0):0.000|4.539 190 600, 4(0):0.864|1.145, 13(0):0.303|0.311, 1(0):0.000|0.106, 1(0):0.000|1.846, 1(0):0.000|3.959 191 610, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 37(0):0.316|0.319, 2(0):0.106|0.148, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 4(0):3.801|4.133 192 620, 24(0):1.558|1.597, 29(0):0.299|0.304, 2(0):0.125|0.156, 3(0):1.671|1.748, 2(0):2.216|3.606 193 630, 24(0):1.492|1.552, 11(0):0.251|0.280, 2(0):0.135|0.158, 2(0):1.634|1.765, 0(0):0.000|0.000 194 640, 1(0):0.000|1.200, 16(0):0.310|0.315, 2(0):0.127|0.158, 1(0):0.000|1.861, 2(0):3.813|4.466 195 650, 42(0):1.638|1.674, 22(0):0.315|0.320, 1(0):0.000|0.106, 3(0):1.691|1.752, 1(0):0.000|6.426 196 660, 12(0):1.449|1.630, 25(0):0.309|0.318, 3(0):0.161|0.174, 1(0):0.000|1.721, 2(0):3.854|5.176 197 670, 4(0):1.457|1.540, 25(0):0.276|0.291, 1(0):0.000|0.162, 2(0):1.625|1.742, 5(0):4.867|4.882 198 680, 22(0):1.497|1.581, 7(0):0.259|0.273, 2(0):0.113|0.127, 2(0):1.680|1.784, 1(0):0.000|3.783 199 690, 27(0):1.697|1.724, 9(0):0.278|0.289, 1(0):0.000|0.183, 2(0):1.614|1.698, 1(0):0.000|4.243 200 700, 26(0):1.669|1.682, 13(0):0.292|0.333, 3(0):0.119|0.145, 1(0):0.000|1.619, 3(0):3.867|4.089 201 710, 19(0):1.469|1.709, 32(0):0.303|0.324, 2(0):0.116|0.137, 4(0):1.727|1.734, 0(0):0.000|0.000 202 720, 6(0):0.924|1.232, 24(0):0.300|0.331, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.951|4.371 203 730, 5(0):1.495|1.643, 18(0):0.287|0.293, 3(0):0.132|0.147, 3(0):1.620|1.654, 2(0):3.817|6.235 204 740, 40(0):1.534|1.562, 24(0):0.295|0.699, 1(0):0.000|0.087, 1(0):0.000|1.637, 1(0):0.000|4.484 205 750, 8(0):1.522|1.590, 8(0):0.274|0.296, 3(0):0.122|0.188, 1(0):0.000|1.581, 2(0):4.844|5.300 206 760, 26(0):1.501|1.510, 24(0):0.300|0.394, 2(0):0.182|0.185, 2(0):1.642|1.689, 1(0):0.000|6.246 207 770, 10(0):1.501|1.563, 12(0):0.303|0.310, 1(0):0.000|0.124, 1(0):0.000|1.643, 3(0):5.352|5.502 208 780, 29(0):1.501|1.521, 32(0):0.339|0.409, 3(0):0.154|0.159, 1(0):0.000|1.570, 3(0):4.159|4.166 209 790, 14(0):1.453|1.457, 14(0):0.303|0.314, 2(0):0.149|0.151, 4(0):1.685|1.758, 2(0):4.091|4.878 210 800, 14(0):1.615|1.648, 30(0):0.309|0.312, 1(0):0.000|0.144, 1(0):0.000|1.702, 2(0):5.110|5.147 211 810, 26(0):1.577|1.670, 18(0):0.281|0.314, 3(0):0.139|0.142, 4(0):1.677|1.712, 0(0):0.000|0.000 212 820, 12(0):1.538|1.576, 24(0):0.297|0.367, 1(0):0.000|0.126, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):4.741|5.087 213 830, 44(0):1.527|1.530, 7(0):0.284|0.297, 2(0):0.129|0.156, 1(0):0.000|1.664, 1(0):0.000|4.410 214 840, 8(0):1.405|1.583, 32(0):0.305|0.320, 4(0):0.132|0.163, 1(0):0.000|1.821, 4(0):3.707|3.917 215 850, 29(0):1.590|1.633, 27(0):0.303|0.313, 1(0):0.000|0.139, 3(0):1.704|1.707, 0(0):0.000|0.000 216 860, 24(0):1.578|1.663, 12(0):0.298|0.309, 1(0):0.000|0.146, 1(0):0.000|1.694, 1(0):0.000|4.425 217 870, 2(0):1.467|1.621, 13(0):0.309|0.314, 1(0):0.000|0.155, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):5.616|5.632 218 880, 16(0):1.479|1.522, 29(0):0.311|0.326, 4(0):0.148|0.155, 5(0):1.670|1.717, 2(0):3.272|5.462 219 890, 8(0):1.562|1.610, 22(0):0.331|0.351, 2(0):0.115|0.156, 3(0):1.673|1.692, 3(0):5.080|5.298 220 900, 26(0):1.569|1.641, 14(0):0.268|0.282, 2(0):0.110|0.147, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|4.127 221 910, 26(0):1.547|1.724, 17(0):0.290|0.292, 1(0):0.000|0.134, 2(0):1.568|1.711, 1(0):0.000|4.834 222 920, 31(0):1.502|1.559, 6(0):0.281|0.301, 3(0):0.127|0.169, 3(0):1.677|1.693, 1(0):0.000|4.069 223 930, 44(0):1.643|1.733, 10(0):0.264|0.290, 2(0):0.145|0.156, 1(0):0.000|1.612, 5(0):3.918|5.227 224 940, 7(0):1.370|1.455, 22(0):0.279|0.282, 2(0):0.123|0.157, 4(0):1.679|1.727, 0(0):0.000|0.000 225 950, 10(0):0.950|1.313, 22(0):0.305|0.314, 1(0):0.000|0.139, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):4.910|5.002 226 960, 33(0):1.693|1.707, 38(0):0.302|0.311, 2(0):0.099|0.115, 4(0):1.646|1.663, 1(0):0.000|2.671 227 970, 3(0):1.238|1.240, 9(0):0.282|0.286, 3(0):0.146|0.170, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.523|5.265 228 980, 23(0):1.561|1.574, 35(0):0.301|0.340, 3(0):0.108|0.163, 6(0):1.678|1.705, 0(0):0.000|0.000 229 990, 25(0):1.617|1.640, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|0.107, 1(0):0.000|1.786, 4(0):4.266|5.280 230 1000, 21(0):1.528|1.541, 15(0):0.309|0.319, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):1.657|1.710, 0(0):0.000|0.000 231 1010, 33(0):1.589|1.600, 1(0):0.000|0.168, 2(0):0.149|0.151, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.805|5.220 232 1020, 3(0):1.228|1.360, 32(0):0.290|0.303, 3(0):0.133|0.158, 4(0):1.774|1.775, 2(0):3.775|5.501 233 1030, 32(0):1.435|1.489, 4(0):0.263|0.293, 1(0):0.000|0.111, 2(0):1.617|1.725, 1(0):0.000|3.648 234 1040, 10(0):1.615|1.622, 45(0):0.318|0.340, 2(0):0.140|0.146, 1(0):0.000|1.691, 2(0):5.049|5.139 235 1050, 10(0):1.517|1.630, 45(0):0.329|0.354, 3(0):0.122|0.162, 5(0):1.683|1.722, 2(0):1.645|3.772 236 1060, 9(0):0.900|1.686, 15(0):0.314|0.324, 3(0):0.127|0.130, 2(0):1.608|1.654, 3(0):4.027|4.120 237 1070, 27(0):1.583|1.704, 18(0):0.322|0.331, 1(0):0.000|0.131, 1(0):0.000|1.696, 2(0):5.235|5.549 238 1080, 27(0):1.626|1.656, 5(0):0.254|0.284, 4(0):0.142|0.171, 1(0):0.000|1.548, 3(0):3.753|5.217 239 1090, 18(0):1.629|1.721, 36(0):0.317|0.335, 1(0):0.000|0.128, 3(0):1.654|1.745, 0(0):0.000|0.000 240 payment 99:1 241 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 242 1100, 8(0):1.043|1.192, 18(0):0.294|0.295, 1(0):0.000|0.134, 2(0):1.574|1.689, 3(0):4.268|5.269 243 1110, 48(0):1.650|1.678, 17(0):0.282|0.310, 3(0):0.109|0.179, 3(0):1.706|1.778, 1(0):0.000|5.227 244 1120, 4(0):1.425|1.464, 21(0):0.260|0.331, 2(0):0.146|0.148, 2(0):1.554|1.649, 3(0):3.864|4.110 245 1130, 9(0):1.517|1.669, 45(0):0.313|0.322, 3(0):0.138|0.140, 1(0):0.000|1.719, 3(0):5.140|5.475 246 1140, 13(0):1.410|1.412, 13(0):0.287|0.290, 1(0):0.000|0.132, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.356|3.929 247 1150, 21(0):1.186|1.540, 12(0):0.319|0.322, 2(0):0.121|0.127, 2(0):1.537|1.690, 0(0):0.000|0.000 248 1160, 31(0):1.553|1.568, 19(0):0.297|0.298, 2(0):0.124|0.167, 5(0):1.682|1.701, 2(0):3.905|3.945 249 1170, 39(0):1.518|1.596, 18(0):0.289|0.306, 3(0):0.128|0.128, 5(0):1.675|1.779, 2(0):1.989|2.381 250 1180, 28(0):1.623|1.630, 8(0):0.320|0.338, 1(0):0.000|0.119, 1(0):0.000|1.656, 1(0):0.000|4.010 251 1190, 6(0):1.481|1.575, 25(0):0.279|0.307, 2(0):0.136|0.145, 2(0):1.601|1.662, 3(0):4.138|4.661 252 1200, 24(0):1.104|1.408, 12(0):0.281|0.311, 2(0):0.118|0.124, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|5.189 253 1210, 16(0):1.493|1.537, 51(0):0.319|0.354, 3(0):0.123|0.139, 3(0):1.610|1.668, 3(0):4.271|4.518 254 1220, 20(0):1.509|1.514, 15(0):0.294|0.295, 1(0):0.000|0.129, 2(0):1.612|1.635, 2(0):5.131|5.134 255 1230, 32(0):1.592|1.614, 37(0):0.316|0.387, 4(0):0.134|0.153, 3(0):1.542|1.594, 4(0):3.752|4.051 256 1240, 10(0):1.267|1.331, 32(0):0.320|0.325, 1(0):0.000|0.156, 2(0):1.576|1.579, 1(0):0.000|2.360 257 1250, 34(0):1.594|1.611, 13(0):0.300|0.319, 4(0):0.148|0.159, 2(0):1.624|1.672, 2(0):3.962|5.386 258 1260, 32(0):1.472|1.573, 19(0):0.304|0.317, 3(0):0.114|0.142, 1(0):0.000|1.640, 1(0):0.000|4.156 259 1270, 20(0):1.609|1.776, 27(0):0.275|0.282, 1(0):0.000|0.143, 1(0):0.000|1.684, 1(0):0.000|4.861 260 1280, 15(0):1.573|1.607, 1(0):0.000|0.306, 2(0):0.167|0.172, 2(0):1.566|1.628, 1(0):0.000|4.055 261 1290, 29(0):1.268|1.320, 25(0):0.309|0.310, 1(0):0.000|0.129, 1(0):0.000|1.570, 6(0):5.521|5.662 262 1300, 20(0):1.383|1.441, 33(0):0.291|0.316, 3(0):0.130|0.181, 6(0):1.637|1.690, 3(0):4.634|6.026 263 1310, 10(0):1.542|1.577, 19(0):0.323|0.338, 3(0):0.118|0.135, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|5.130 264 1320, 6(0):1.067|1.248, 19(0):0.342|0.363, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):3.868|4.432 265 1330, 42(0):1.552|1.615, 28(0):0.293|0.331, 2(0):0.118|0.145, 1(0):0.000|1.449, 1(0):0.000|2.132 266 1340, 4(0):1.334|1.588, 23(0):0.321|0.323, 3(0):0.131|0.143, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):5.004|5.429 267 1350, 31(0):1.643|1.687, 19(0):0.299|0.311, 3(0):0.138|0.196, 6(0):1.646|1.648, 0(0):0.000|0.000 268 1360, 23(0):1.476|1.538, 21(0):0.314|0.317, 2(0):0.126|0.149, 6(0):1.589|1.666, 3(0):5.374|5.476 269 1370, 16(0):1.344|1.541, 12(0):0.276|0.295, 1(0):0.000|0.122, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):2.724|3.382 270 1380, 31(0):1.550|1.570, 18(0):0.267|0.288, 3(0):0.141|0.142, 2(0):1.629|1.739, 3(0):3.750|4.285 271 1390, 43(0):1.628|1.676, 12(0):0.287|0.297, 3(0):0.138|0.155, 4(0):1.688|1.820, 1(0):0.000|4.269 272 1400, 7(0):1.154|1.245, 29(0):0.301|0.316, 2(0):0.153|0.154, 1(0):0.000|1.722, 1(0):0.000|3.985 273 1410, 18(0):1.226|1.572, 7(0):0.233|0.298, 1(0):0.000|0.129, 4(0):1.658|1.784, 4(0):5.590|5.920 274 1420, 21(0):1.368|1.529, 28(0):0.296|0.298, 2(0):0.108|0.115, 5(0):1.688|1.703, 2(0):2.210|2.233 275 1430, 10(0):1.430|1.520, 43(0):0.308|0.338, 2(0):0.141|0.160, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 6(0):3.794|5.780 276 1440, 58(0):1.569|1.590, 32(0):0.299|0.301, 4(0):0.136|0.159, 2(0):1.661|1.662, 1(0):0.000|1.825 277 1450, 12(0):1.379|1.506, 25(0):0.295|0.309, 4(0):0.126|0.127, 1(0):0.000|1.705, 3(0):2.405|4.523 278 payment 37:3 279 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 280 1460, 17(0):1.388|1.438, 15(0):0.292|0.299, 1(0):0.000|0.142, 1(0):0.000|1.603, 2(0):3.332|4.471 281 1470, 26(0):1.550|1.552, 32(0):0.324|0.383, 3(0):0.145|0.159, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|4.060 282 1480, 33(0):1.379|1.480, 30(0):0.291|0.304, 2(0):0.124|0.149, 5(0):1.645|1.809, 0(0):0.000|0.000 283 1490, 9(0):1.268|1.343, 21(0):0.299|0.301, 2(0):0.103|0.136, 1(0):0.000|1.558, 4(0):3.920|4.899 284 1500, 9(0):1.246|1.555, 18(0):0.299|0.326, 2(0):0.133|0.174, 1(0):0.000|1.647, 2(0):3.707|4.138 285 1510, 33(0):1.440|1.495, 5(0):0.288|0.299, 1(0):0.000|0.149, 4(0):1.547|1.586, 5(0):4.769|4.804 286 1520, 27(0):1.503|1.516, 14(0):0.226|0.270, 3(0):0.137|0.140, 1(0):0.000|1.584, 0(0):0.000|0.000 287 1530, 41(0):1.587|1.592, 37(0):0.290|0.297, 2(0):0.113|0.154, 1(0):0.000|1.558, 1(0):0.000|5.070 288 1540, 7(0):1.390|1.481, 32(0):0.316|0.318, 2(0):0.126|0.164, 1(0):0.000|1.592, 5(0):3.880|4.876 289 1550, 12(0):1.271|1.288, 11(0):0.245|0.272, 3(0):0.142|0.152, 6(0):1.664|1.783, 2(0):4.112|4.498 290 1560, 36(0):1.464|1.476, 23(0):0.319|0.322, 2(0):0.121|0.124, 4(0):1.667|1.688, 2(0):3.261|3.436 291 1570, 38(0):1.546|1.612, 19(0):0.284|0.314, 3(0):0.134|0.154, 2(0):1.561|1.755, 0(0):0.000|0.000 292 1580, 15(0):1.530|1.541, 42(0):0.306|0.337, 2(0):0.124|0.137, 1(0):0.000|1.525, 3(0):4.036|5.095 293 1590, 29(0):1.574|1.613, 29(0):0.318|0.325, 4(0):0.155|0.170, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):4.724|5.398 294 1600, 16(0):1.262|1.347, 26(0):0.326|0.327, 3(0):0.135|0.152, 4(0):1.622|1.630, 3(0):4.019|5.191 295 1610, 12(0):0.986|1.129, 26(0):0.310|0.341, 2(0):0.105|0.160, 4(0):1.608|1.615, 3(0):4.898|5.000 296 1620, 28(0):1.370|1.470, 18(0):0.299|0.304, 2(0):0.125|0.159, 1(0):0.000|1.607, 1(0):0.000|4.386 297 1630, 17(0):1.327|1.422, 18(0):0.273|0.277, 2(0):0.129|0.152, 3(0):1.578|1.585, 2(0):3.403|3.813 298 1640, 49(0):1.543|1.625, 31(0):0.298|0.302, 2(0):0.110|0.160, 1(0):0.000|1.579, 3(0):3.726|4.206 299 1650, 23(0):1.452|1.574, 34(0):0.309|0.311, 4(0):0.158|0.167, 5(0):1.648|1.678, 2(0):2.492|2.857 300 1660, 11(0):1.195|1.408, 10(0):0.275|0.302, 1(0):0.000|0.106, 4(0):1.567|1.645, 3(0):4.138|5.617 301 1670, 41(0):1.451|1.458, 22(0):0.290|0.300, 2(0):0.119|0.152, 3(0):1.594|1.733, 2(0):4.980|5.214 302 1680, 5(0):1.188|1.314, 3(0):0.239|0.253, 3(0):0.143|0.160, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):5.220|5.242 303 1690, 43(0):1.465|1.469, 45(0):0.330|0.431, 2(0):0.124|0.145, 4(0):1.686|1.714, 3(0):4.694|5.239 304 1700, 11(0):1.202|1.530, 9(0):0.301|0.307, 3(0):0.117|0.127, 2(0):1.512|1.631, 2(0):3.425|4.134 305 1710, 44(0):1.583|1.600, 30(0):0.296|0.298, 3(0):0.153|0.162, 4(0):1.568|1.622, 2(0):4.665|4.811 306 1720, 20(0):1.582|1.664, 47(0):0.305|0.330, 4(0):0.135|0.142, 1(0):0.000|1.553, 1(0):0.000|2.156 307 1730, 20(0):1.324|1.461, 17(0):0.263|0.275, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):1.598|1.668, 4(0):4.273|4.558 308 1740, 20(0):1.536|1.570, 39(0):0.304|0.317, 3(0):0.122|0.134, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 4(0):4.686|5.206 309 1750, 18(0):1.161|1.218, 11(0):0.259|0.292, 3(0):0.115|0.164, 4(0):1.635|1.662, 1(0):0.000|3.824 310 1760, 8(0):1.341|1.375, 20(0):0.313|0.320, 2(0):0.143|0.160, 1(0):0.000|1.636, 3(0):3.658|4.987 311 1770, 53(0):1.533|1.582, 19(0):0.313|0.320, 1(0):0.000|0.110, 4(0):1.603|1.668, 2(0):2.039|3.947 312 1780, 22(0):1.582|1.658, 48(0):0.306|0.315, 5(0):0.136|0.165, 1(0):0.000|1.667, 3(0):3.326|3.471 313 1790, 9(0):1.517|1.604, 8(0):0.277|0.298, 2(0):0.134|0.140, 3(0):1.634|1.679, 1(0):0.000|3.406 314 1800, 33(0):1.625|1.673, 3(0):0.215|0.249, 1(0):0.000|0.148, 6(0):1.646|1.680, 3(0):3.380|5.789 315 1810, 19(0):1.336|1.559, 55(0):0.316|0.334, 3(0):0.156|0.157, 1(0):0.000|1.648, 1(0):0.000|5.019 316 1820, 12(0):1.401|1.427, 6(0):0.255|0.322, 2(0):0.114|0.149, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):4.044|5.146 317 1830, 61(0):1.571|1.625, 45(0):0.309|0.338, 3(0):0.129|0.160, 3(0):1.566|1.654, 3(0):3.714|5.327 318 1840, 9(0):1.519|1.583, 22(0):0.304|0.343, 2(0):0.121|0.124, 2(0):1.580|1.655, 2(0):3.767|4.426 319 1850, 9(0):1.318|1.334, 20(0):0.311|0.313, 3(0):0.121|0.142, 2(0):1.544|1.575, 4(0):4.400|5.615 320 1860, 46(0):1.536|1.581, 12(0):0.308|0.327, 1(0):0.000|0.154, 2(0):1.503|1.533, 2(0):3.705|5.424 321 1870, 11(0):1.117|1.147, 33(0):0.302|0.308, 3(0):0.147|0.161, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):5.475|5.483 322 1880, 12(0):1.479|1.526, 17(0):0.289|0.321, 2(0):0.112|0.145, 3(0):1.502|1.512, 2(0):3.797|4.380 323 neword 9:2 324 1205, HY000, Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 325 1890, 62(0):1.502|1.592, 28(0):0.275|0.277, 3(0):0.169|0.172, 4(0):1.492|1.537, 2(0):3.617|5.044 326 1900, 6(0):1.292|1.332, 34(0):0.313|0.322, 1(0):0.000|0.125, 2(0):1.442|1.559, 2(0):4.396|4.794 327 1910, 20(0):1.608|1.662, 22(0):0.301|0.305, 4(0):0.153|0.166, 4(0):1.536|1.562, 2(0):2.253|4.995 328 1920, 9(0):1.462|1.635, 27(0):0.284|0.294, 1(0):0.000|0.141, 1(0):0.000|1.554, 4(0):5.079|5.440 329 1930, 38(0):1.486|1.596, 18(0):0.312|0.317, 4(0):0.122|0.139, 2(0):1.434|1.687, 4(0):4.448|5.090 330 1940, 27(0):1.520|1.542, 35(0):0.313|0.315, 3(0):0.162|0.168, 3(0):1.486|1.506, 1(0):0.000|2.201 331 1950, 16(0):1.451|1.483, 14(0):0.269|0.283, 3(0):0.126|0.130, 8(0):1.598|1.644, 2(0):4.127|4.494 332 1960, 63(0):1.600|1.619, 8(0):0.292|0.305, 1(0):0.000|0.117, 2(0):1.571|1.634, 3(0):2.507|3.313 333 1970, 4(0):0.916|1.438, 18(0):0.266|0.279, 2(0):0.119|0.163, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):4.185|4.516 334 1980, 23(0):1.508|1.643, 36(0):0.301|0.328, 4(0):0.118|0.157, 4(0):1.620|1.665, 1(0):0.000|5.954 335 1990, 23(0):1.373|1.456, 46(0):0.317|0.336, 3(0):0.100|0.133, 1(0):0.000|1.634, 4(0):3.781|3.944 336 2000, 20(0):1.562|1.609, 24(0):0.307|0.324, 3(0):0.117|0.161, 2(0):1.620|1.629, 5(0):3.649|5.278 337 2010, 63(0):1.601|1.602, 18(0):0.308|0.320, 1(0):0.000|0.138, 2(0):1.609|1.623, 0(0):0.000|0.000 338 2020, 1(0):0.000|1.477, 28(0):0.299|0.301, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|1.545, 3(0):3.271|3.870 339 2030, 24(0):1.559|1.611, 35(0):0.302|0.319, 6(0):0.135|0.148, 4(0):1.567|1.579, 3(0):3.772|4.977 340 2040, 17(0):1.262|1.448, 22(0):0.305|0.333, 3(0):0.120|0.162, 1(0):0.000|1.599, 2(0):2.508|3.407 341 2050, 40(0):1.531|1.565, 29(0):0.311|0.312, 2(0):0.113|0.143, 1(0):0.000|1.670, 3(0):4.559|5.020 342 2060, 45(0):1.544|1.558, 29(0):0.307|0.314, 5(0):0.148|0.150, 4(0):1.514|1.592, 2(0):3.131|4.374 343 2070, 13(0):1.276|1.340, 33(0):0.319|0.361, 3(0):0.118|0.143, 3(0):1.564|1.603, 4(0):3.493|5.510 344 2080, 15(0):1.412|1.486, 7(0):0.215|0.219, 1(0):0.000|0.157, 6(0):1.493|1.562, 3(0):4.423|5.638 345 2090, 29(0):1.439|1.469, 26(0):0.312|0.322, 1(0):0.000|0.153, 5(0):1.624|1.700, 3(0):3.734|4.737 346 2100, 26(0):1.513|1.699, 31(0):0.310|0.347, 4(0):0.144|0.153, 5(0):1.588|1.639, 3(0):2.364|3.570 347 2110, 58(0):1.447|1.451, 23(0):0.317|0.327, 4(0):0.148|0.150, 3(0):1.651|1.811, 1(0):0.000|3.724 348 2120, 11(0):1.393|1.542, 9(0):0.304|0.408, 2(0):0.110|0.117, 3(0):1.695|1.725, 1(0):0.000|4.467 349 2130, 27(0):1.423|1.461, 51(0):0.307|0.325, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):4.900|5.460 350 2140, 6(0):1.195|1.393, 36(0):0.310|0.323, 5(0):0.117|0.173, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):5.052|5.205 351 2150, 11(0):1.231|1.359, 20(0):0.295|0.315, 1(0):0.000|0.137, 2(0):1.569|1.607, 2(0):3.075|5.176 352 2160, 45(0):1.376|1.380, 21(0):0.317|0.320, 4(0):0.120|0.143, 4(0):1.649|1.680, 4(0):3.618|3.897 353 2170, 47(0):1.549|1.593, 19(0):0.317|0.321, 2(0):0.156|0.161, 2(0):1.582|1.830, 0(0):0.000|0.000 354 2180, 7(0):1.279|1.316, 39(0):0.305|0.308, 2(0):0.123|0.136, 2(0):1.603|1.635, 3(0):3.348|3.722 355 2190, 28(0):1.354|1.411, 21(0):0.315|0.322, 4(0):0.132|0.144, 2(0):1.563|1.574, 2(0):3.355|3.917 356 2200, 37(0):1.387|1.397, 35(0):0.299|0.310, 3(0):0.111|0.170, 5(0):1.625|1.643, 3(0):2.987|4.242 357 2210, 27(0):1.355|1.622, 28(0):0.274|0.314, 4(0):0.144|0.168, 2(0):1.586|1.588, 3(0):3.488|3.940 358 2220, 18(0):1.340|1.457, 39(0):0.285|0.292, 3(0):0.124|0.144, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 4(0):3.874|5.803 359 2230, 43(0):1.485|1.650, 34(0):0.290|0.315, 3(0):0.117|0.148, 4(0):1.559|1.591, 3(0):2.005|2.361 360 2240, 10(0):1.396|1.439, 20(0):0.295|0.315, 1(0):0.000|0.118, 2(0):1.519|1.563, 4(0):5.166|5.664 361 2250, 50(0):1.474|1.533, 28(0):0.298|0.312, 2(0):0.123|0.149, 4(0):1.555|1.580, 1(0):0.000|3.828 362 2260, 9(0):1.270|1.289, 25(0):0.299|0.306, 4(0):0.152|0.165, 1(0):0.000|1.524, 2(0):3.102|3.874 363 2270, 4(0):1.177|1.559, 15(0):0.304|0.312, 2(0):0.113|0.167, 8(0):1.608|1.752, 3(0):3.515|3.986 364 2280, 46(0):1.514|1.536, 31(0):0.295|0.306, 3(0):0.135|0.146, 5(0):1.628|1.645, 2(0):2.108|3.730 365 2290, 22(0):1.345|1.452, 19(0):0.303|0.315, 2(0):0.111|0.118, 5(0):1.579|1.587, 2(0):3.450|3.586 366 2300, 42(0):1.542|1.553, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):0.115|0.155, 1(0):0.000|1.566, 3(0):4.394|5.261 367 2310, 36(0):1.519|1.594, 64(0):0.326|0.344, 2(0):0.131|0.147, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):4.557|4.649 368 2320, 7(0):1.439|1.448, 32(0):0.302|0.307, 4(0):0.155|0.169, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):2.762|2.944 369 2330, 24(0):1.430|1.475, 17(0):0.287|0.311, 4(0):0.139|0.167, 6(0):1.638|1.657, 3(0):3.151|3.305 370 2340, 64(0):1.516|1.636, 26(0):0.305|0.316, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|1.556, 0(0):0.000|0.000 371 2350, 9(0):1.458|1.485, 27(0):0.317|0.317, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):4.686|5.293 372 2360, 40(0):1.525|1.625, 11(0):0.258|0.276, 6(0):0.150|0.162, 4(0):1.587|1.632, 4(0):4.241|4.751 373 2370, 10(0):1.473|1.574, 6(0):0.306|0.316, 4(0):0.135|0.165, 1(0):0.000|1.616, 4(0):4.574|4.686 374 2380, 10(0):1.039|1.089, 48(0):0.292|0.312, 3(0):0.121|0.151, 6(0):1.656|1.700, 2(0):1.824|3.927 375 2390, 30(0):1.364|1.493, 41(0):0.339|0.371, 2(0):0.091|0.108, 5(0):1.638|1.676, 2(0):2.278|4.603 376 2400, 19(0):1.393|1.535, 20(0):0.266|0.280, 3(0):0.131|0.150, 1(0):0.000|1.471, 1(0):0.000|3.694 377 2410, 22(0):1.574|1.585, 41(0):0.308|0.310, 1(0):0.000|0.141, 2(0):1.622|1.662, 3(0):3.464|3.621 378 2420, 41(0):1.501|1.530, 30(0):0.324|0.396, 5(0):0.110|0.142, 1(0):0.000|1.459, 2(0):2.495|3.148 379 2430, 35(0):1.477|1.607, 37(0):0.295|0.302, 3(0):0.121|0.148, 1(0):0.000|1.463, 5(0):4.391|4.873 380 2440, 24(0):1.350|1.471, 17(0):0.308|0.312, 2(0):0.150|0.169, 3(0):1.511|1.583, 4(0):3.253|3.362 381 2450, 25(0):1.220|1.353, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|0.123, 1(0):0.000|1.636, 1(0):0.000|2.463 382 2460, 41(0):1.374|1.554, 57(0):0.306|0.332, 5(0):0.135|0.136, 3(0):1.537|1.546, 2(0):2.049|2.141 383 2470, 43(0):1.523|1.578, 26(0):0.293|0.297, 2(0):0.150|0.163, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):2.209|2.302 384 2480, 9(0):1.214|1.278, 33(0):0.313|0.356, 2(0):0.111|0.158, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):3.738|5.340 385 2490, 60(0):1.540|1.657, 26(0):0.296|0.315, 4(0):0.150|0.162, 6(0):1.567|1.618, 3(0):3.984|4.670 386 2500, 15(0):1.509|1.529, 16(0):0.285|0.303, 2(0):0.129|0.177, 5(0):1.673|1.711, 0(0):0.000|0.000 387 2510, 23(0):1.520|1.552, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):0.137|0.156, 3(0):1.635|1.640, 3(0):4.609|4.893 388 2520, 24(0):1.441|1.467, 49(0):0.322|0.413, 3(0):0.150|0.157, 4(0):1.581|1.649, 4(0):4.923|5.427 389 2530, 6(0):0.980|1.208, 41(0):0.307|0.312, 4(0):0.122|0.168, 1(0):0.000|1.453, 2(0):2.175|5.389 390 2540, 6(0):0.890|1.192, 22(0):0.289|0.295, 1(0):0.000|0.136, 3(0):1.495|1.505, 3(0):3.430|3.484 391 2550, 52(0):1.361|1.411, 24(0):0.279|0.352, 4(0):0.136|0.146, 9(0):1.645|1.668, 3(0):2.232|4.955 392 2560, 12(0):1.315|1.336, 23(0):0.293|0.321, 1(0):0.000|0.143, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.762|4.886 393 2570, 44(0):1.632|1.666, 28(0):0.309|0.325, 4(0):0.131|0.154, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|3.279 394 2580, 12(0):1.404|1.551, 20(0):0.290|0.326, 3(0):0.130|0.147, 1(0):0.000|1.554, 4(0):3.637|4.587 395 2590, 41(0):1.507|1.600, 43(0):0.278|0.288, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 4(0):1.562|1.597, 3(0):5.010|5.340 396 2600, 45(0):1.527|1.682, 34(0):0.321|0.323, 7(0):0.141|0.148, 4(0):1.633|1.689, 4(0):3.128|3.432 397 2610, 9(0):1.128|1.310, 19(0):0.284|0.316, 3(0):0.140|0.158, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 4(0):4.326|4.719 398 2620, 46(0):1.409|1.457, 27(0):0.272|0.288, 2(0):0.082|0.135, 5(0):1.539|1.563, 2(0):2.525|2.812 399 2630, 34(0):1.455|1.492, 28(0):0.268|0.293, 3(0):0.107|0.158, 3(0):1.627|1.696, 2(0):2.989|4.621 400 2640, 17(0):1.473|1.656, 33(0):0.334|0.340, 2(0):0.093|0.117, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.687|3.829 401 2650, 49(0):1.590|1.644, 27(0):0.297|0.308, 4(0):0.152|0.157, 3(0):1.502|1.660, 1(0):0.000|6.007 402 2660, 8(0):1.488|1.632, 45(0):0.298|0.310, 3(0):0.126|0.149, 1(0):0.000|1.596, 4(0):4.308|4.780 403 2670, 11(0):1.406|1.547, 19(0):0.328|0.340, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|1.570, 5(0):4.079|4.197 404 2680, 42(0):1.257|1.352, 25(0):0.293|0.296, 3(0):0.113|0.154, 5(0):1.554|1.617, 2(0):2.777|3.249 405 2690, 19(0):1.502|1.530, 26(0):0.311|0.336, 5(0):0.137|0.147, 3(0):1.565|1.631, 3(0):4.378|4.986 406 2700, 47(0):1.537|1.601, 38(0):0.303|0.309, 4(0):0.150|0.163, 4(0):1.529|1.541, 3(0):3.760|4.691 407 2710, 10(0):1.259|1.485, 20(0):0.298|0.307, 2(0):0.136|0.161, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 5(0):4.034|4.140 408 2720, 41(0):1.489|1.509, 23(0):0.297|0.301, 2(0):0.087|0.156, 1(0):0.000|1.585, 0(0):0.000|0.000 409 2730, 31(0):1.443|1.594, 33(0):0.299|0.302, 2(0):0.105|0.122, 3(0):1.614|1.671, 2(0):4.761|5.073 410 2740, 8(0):1.501|1.712, 30(0):0.295|0.318, 3(0):0.119|0.135, 5(0):1.522|1.568, 5(0):4.204|5.063 411 2750, 33(0):1.396|1.408, 18(0):0.312|0.316, 2(0):0.098|0.104, 1(0):0.000|1.402, 2(0):1.739|5.190 412 2760, 18(0):1.570|1.609, 28(0):0.282|0.291, 3(0):0.145|0.190, 4(0):1.619|1.645, 0(0):0.000|0.000 413 2770, 34(0):1.599|1.639, 14(0):0.281|0.312, 2(0):0.089|0.155, 6(0):1.615|1.624, 2(0):3.841|4.856 414 2780, 13(0):1.576|1.658, 25(0):0.301|0.305, 2(0):0.140|0.159, 1(0):0.000|1.560, 4(0):4.431|4.884 415 2790, 41(0):1.565|1.587, 34(0):0.336|0.399, 4(0):0.134|0.152, 8(0):1.564|1.580, 2(0):3.417|5.534 416 2800, 13(0):1.107|1.323, 32(0):0.311|0.317, 3(0):0.128|0.134, 1(0):0.000|1.561, 3(0):4.803|5.950 417 2810, 23(0):1.537|1.588, 16(0):0.309|0.324, 3(0):0.148|0.162, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.315|4.758 418 2820, 31(0):1.391|1.550, 17(0):0.274|0.286, 2(0):0.130|0.140, 8(0):1.625|1.694, 3(0):4.817|5.236 419 2830, 41(0):1.466|1.637, 28(0):0.325|0.345, 2(0):0.103|0.155, 9(0):1.671|1.702, 3(0):4.322|4.365 420 2840, 29(0):1.399|1.440, 48(0):0.326|0.339, 4(0):0.157|0.159, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.241|3.551 421 2850, 25(0):1.344|1.452, 30(0):0.292|0.304, 3(0):0.128|0.140, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.540|3.586 422 2860, 31(0):1.529|1.598, 28(0):0.302|0.311, 3(0):0.142|0.146, 2(0):1.574|1.593, 2(0):2.597|3.812 423 2870, 45(0):1.446|1.454, 24(0):0.288|0.325, 2(0):0.136|0.189, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 4(0):3.746|4.560 424 2880, 12(0):1.458|1.519, 28(0):0.325|0.417, 4(0):0.136|0.151, 2(0):1.536|1.553, 2(0):2.441|2.995 425 2890, 32(0):1.488|1.646, 33(0):0.301|0.308, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):5.043|5.148 426 2900, 51(0):1.486|1.493, 46(0):0.322|0.347, 7(0):0.144|0.148, 2(0):1.537|1.578, 7(0):3.354|3.750 427 2910, 39(0):1.522|1.573, 2(0):0.221|0.226, 1(0):0.000|0.125, 1(0):0.000|1.556, 1(0):0.000|2.919 428 2920, 17(0):1.443|1.538, 38(0):0.304|0.366, 3(0):0.134|0.160, 4(0):1.546|1.553, 4(0):4.341|4.353 429 2930, 30(0):1.259|1.396, 39(0):0.315|0.361, 3(0):0.147|0.176, 9(0):1.597|1.655, 3(0):2.348|3.476 430 2940, 28(0):1.379|1.505, 28(0):0.323|0.328, 2(0):0.134|0.162, 1(0):0.000|1.595, 1(0):0.000|3.689 431 2950, 28(0):1.470|1.651, 45(0):0.310|0.311, 4(0):0.147|0.148, 2(0):1.462|1.508, 4(0):4.724|4.996 432 2960, 37(0):1.464|1.520, 16(0):0.311|0.316, 3(0):0.136|0.160, 1(0):0.000|1.576, 4(0):4.056|4.553 433 2970, 17(0):1.404|1.472, 43(0):0.322|0.332, 5(0):0.165|0.168, 2(0):1.471|1.545, 2(0):3.539|4.538 434 2980, 10(0):0.913|1.147, 19(0):0.287|0.432, 2(0):0.097|0.125, 4(0):1.633|1.658, 5(0):4.890|4.931 435 2990, 26(0):1.490|1.597, 18(0):0.282|0.291, 2(0):0.134|0.155, 3(0):1.573|1.582, 2(0):2.304|2.920 436 3000, 53(0):1.388|1.521, 32(0):0.313|0.334, 3(0):0.118|0.128, 1(0):0.000|1.611, 1(0):0.000|5.011 437 3010, 47(0):1.503|1.560, 35(0):0.306|0.307, 4(0):0.117|0.151, 3(0):1.533|1.572, 3(0):5.144|5.165 438 3020, 17(0):1.436|1.628, 13(0):0.271|0.272, 1(0):0.000|0.117, 2(0):1.527|1.568, 2(0):3.385|5.122 439 3030, 24(0):1.255|1.520, 44(0):0.315|0.399, 3(0):0.156|0.167, 5(0):1.604|1.618, 4(0):3.752|4.007 440 3040, 7(0):0.849|1.583, 15(0):0.298|0.304, 3(0):0.153|0.154, 3(0):1.552|1.615, 3(0):4.092|4.500 441 3050, 49(0):1.585|1.608, 17(0):0.297|0.314, 3(0):0.155|0.156, 5(0):1.620|1.868, 4(0):4.044|4.145 442 3060, 10(0):1.468|1.737, 44(0):0.308|0.314, 4(0):0.154|0.165, 6(0):1.646|1.701, 2(0):3.676|5.080 443 3070, 32(0):1.450|1.452, 22(0):0.274|0.313, 1(0):0.000|0.136, 1(0):0.000|1.734, 3(0):3.020|5.212 444 3080, 47(0):1.547|1.550, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):0.158|0.163, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):3.465|3.818 445 3090, 5(0):0.618|0.981, 28(0):0.299|0.308, 2(0):0.107|0.129, 1(0):0.000|1.539, 4(0):3.623|3.996 446 3100, 38(0):1.464|1.470, 50(0):0.292|0.300, 4(0):0.138|0.153, 4(0):1.494|1.529, 1(0):0.000|3.709 447 3110, 25(0):1.544|1.628, 44(0):0.325|0.340, 4(0):0.151|0.155, 7(0):1.661|1.708, 3(0):3.685|4.578 448 3120, 29(0):1.268|1.518, 37(0):0.315|0.316, 3(0):0.117|0.131, 1(0):0.000|1.608, 4(0):4.622|4.662 449 3130, 19(0):1.325|1.356, 14(0):0.290|0.337, 2(0):0.135|0.156, 1(0):0.000|1.537, 3(0):4.496|4.970 450 3140, 43(0):1.442|1.453, 34(0):0.287|0.289, 4(0):0.141|0.165, 7(0):1.606|1.628, 4(0):4.401|4.848 451 3150, 23(0):1.572|1.599, 29(0):0.301|0.316, 3(0):0.168|0.181, 4(0):1.547|1.558, 1(0):0.000|3.308 452 3160, 40(0):1.609|1.630, 31(0):0.315|0.339, 2(0):0.137|0.158, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.634|4.792 453 3170, 23(0):1.377|1.389, 27(0):0.312|0.319, 4(0):0.143|0.146, 8(0):1.607|1.740, 1(0):0.000|3.588 454 3180, 36(0):1.495|1.534, 30(0):0.302|0.319, 2(0):0.098|0.164, 2(0):1.593|1.751, 2(0):3.400|3.721 455 3190, 24(0):1.459|1.537, 40(0):0.304|0.312, 3(0):0.138|0.148, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.197|3.537 456 3200, 47(0):1.554|1.591, 19(0):0.280|0.311, 3(0):0.152|0.153, 2(0):1.569|1.619, 2(0):4.693|4.935 457 3210, 26(0):1.469|1.577, 6(0):0.293|0.312, 3(0):0.129|0.164, 3(0):1.664|1.689, 3(0):3.310|3.896 458 3220, 14(0):1.402|1.539, 33(0):0.305|0.316, 2(0):0.102|0.131, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 6(0):4.070|4.495 459 3230, 17(0):1.535|1.599, 46(0):0.304|0.315, 3(0):0.123|0.138, 5(0):1.660|1.708, 4(0):3.431|3.501 460 3240, 40(0):1.457|1.466, 17(0):0.316|0.339, 1(0):0.000|0.136, 2(0):1.630|1.668, 1(0):0.000|2.833 461 3250, 11(0):1.383|1.446, 31(0):0.296|0.325, 3(0):0.145|0.160, 2(0):1.706|1.743, 3(0):4.921|5.123 462 3260, 43(0):1.389|1.455, 29(0):0.308|0.323, 3(0):0.138|0.152, 4(0):1.637|1.678, 3(0):3.343|3.593 463 3270, 15(0):1.447|1.450, 24(0):0.307|0.310, 5(0):0.155|0.172, 3(0):1.625|1.662, 0(0):0.000|0.000 464 3280, 43(0):1.488|1.540, 20(0):0.302|0.316, 2(0):0.123|0.142, 3(0):1.590|1.602, 6(0):3.308|5.052 465 3290, 34(0):1.382|1.455, 37(0):0.289|0.341, 3(0):0.146|0.148, 7(0):1.622|1.630, 4(0):3.708|4.723 466 3300, 5(0):1.193|1.256, 43(0):0.299|0.309, 4(0):0.138|0.152, 2(0):1.616|1.617, 5(0):3.218|5.026 467 3310, 65(0):1.478|1.622, 31(0):0.299|0.316, 2(0):0.123|0.143, 1(0):0.000|1.557, 1(0):0.000|4.146 468 3320, 18(0):1.453|1.469, 30(0):0.290|0.291, 3(0):0.130|0.149, 6(0):1.548|1.595, 4(0):4.243|4.282 469 3330, 23(0):1.450|1.578, 28(0):0.330|0.332, 2(0):0.124|0.126, 2(0):1.554|1.560, 1(0):0.000|2.078 470 3340, 42(0):1.547|1.568, 24(0):0.296|0.322, 4(0):0.146|0.150, 2(0):1.610|1.665, 5(0):4.460|5.338 471 3350, 25(0):1.459|1.671, 37(0):0.318|0.329, 3(0):0.149|0.251, 3(0):1.712|1.809, 3(0):3.757|4.474 472 3360, 19(0):1.381|1.580, 26(0):0.311|0.317, 3(0):0.143|0.159, 4(0):1.602|1.627, 3(0):4.010|4.259 473 3370, 43(0):1.605|1.612, 35(0):0.300|0.327, 3(0):0.155|0.165, 9(0):1.723|1.804, 0(0):0.000|0.000 474 3380, 14(0):1.314|1.564, 34(0):0.318|0.327, 4(0):0.154|0.159, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 3(0):3.072|4.648 475 3390, 6(0):0.970|1.513, 12(0):0.293|0.301, 1(0):0.000|0.140, 1(0):0.000|1.563, 3(0):4.867|5.551 476 3400, 77(0):1.569|1.601, 20(0):0.286|0.304, 4(0):0.147|0.175, 2(0):1.653|1.733, 2(0):4.451|4.948 477 3410, 11(0):1.295|1.347, 19(0):0.293|0.312, 2(0):0.132|0.162, 2(0):1.538|1.577, 5(0):4.110|4.536 478 3420, 47(0):1.520|1.536, 54(0):0.295|0.317, 3(0):0.121|0.158, 1(0):0.000|1.621, 1(0):0.000|2.675 479 3430, 10(0):1.498|1.557, 16(0):0.305|0.325, 3(0):0.143|0.153, 1(0):0.000|1.613, 5(0):4.564|4.745 480 3440, 21(0):1.331|1.406, 41(0):0.317|0.318, 3(0):0.155|0.173, 3(0):1.633|1.718, 4(0):3.226|3.596 481 3450, 25(0):1.308|1.379, 19(0):0.292|0.296, 3(0):0.116|0.149, 3(0):1.545|1.640, 3(0):4.572|4.784 482 3460, 43(0):1.581|1.599, 36(0):0.309|0.321, 2(0):0.130|0.161, 2(0):1.573|1.598, 2(0):4.519|4.619 483 3470, 20(0):1.420|1.445, 29(0):0.304|0.311, 4(0):0.140|0.162, 3(0):1.627|1.629, 3(0):3.312|3.988 484 3480, 42(0):1.560|1.574, 32(0):0.330|0.346, 4(0):0.147|0.165, 3(0):1.570|1.617, 2(0):2.714|5.020 485 3490, 41(0):1.542|1.556, 29(0):0.311|0.333, 1(0):0.000|0.113, 2(0):1.495|1.675, 4(0):4.637|4.934 486 3500, 25(0):1.580|1.719, 31(0):0.305|0.351, 5(0):0.166|0.189, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 1(0):0.000|2.893 487 3510, 27(0):1.370|1.573, 38(0):0.301|0.302, 2(0):0.138|0.150, 3(0):1.549|1.637, 3(0):3.627|3.787 488 3520, 5(0):1.356|1.387, 17(0):0.297|0.304, 1(0):0.000|0.124, 2(0):1.546|1.625, 3(0):4.802|4.881 489 3530, 60(0):1.590|1.616, 27(0):0.283|0.332, 5(0):0.149|0.156, 6(0):1.627|1.674, 2(0):1.921|3.842 490 3540, 6(0):1.248|1.477, 42(0):0.381|0.382, 0(0):0.000|0.000, 2(0):1.499|1.594, 3(0):3.671|3.801 491 3550, 34(0):1.519|1.534, 10(0):0.253|0.262, 4(0):0.144|0.154, 1(0):0.000|1.455, 4(0):3.250|3.927 492 3560, 18(0):1.378|1.469, 31(0):0.307|0.309, 4(0):0.136|0.147, 1(0):0.000|1.524, 4(0):4.335|4.579 493 3570, 17(0):1.517|1.520, 31(0):0.312|0.319, 2(0):0.154|0.161, 3(0):1.499|1.522, 3(0):3.342|3.510 494 3580, 60(0):1.477|1.480, 28(0):0.289|0.298, 4(0):0.136|0.155, 10(0):1.593|1.679, 4(0):4.410|4.641 495 3590, 28(0):1.660|1.689, 44(0):0.307|0.311, 3(0):0.158|0.161, 7(0):1.684|1.720, 4(0):2.535|2.858 496 3600, 34(0):1.181|1.563, 38(0):0.289|0.331, 5(0):0.147|0.148, 3(0):1.637|1.641, 1(0):0.000|4.744 497 498 499 STOPPING THREADS.................................................................................................... 500 501 502 <Raw Results> 503 [0] sc:8607 lt:0 rt:1 fl:0 504 [1] sc:8617 lt:0 rt:48 fl:0 505 [2] sc:861 lt:0 rt:0 fl:0 506 [3] sc:853 lt:0 rt:0 fl:0 507 [4] sc:861 lt:0 rt:0 fl:0 508 in 3600 sec. 509 510 511 <Raw Results2(sum ver.)> 512 [0] sc:8607 lt:0 rt:1 fl:0 513 [1] sc:8637 lt:0 rt:49 fl:0 514 [2] sc:861 lt:0 rt:0 fl:0 515 [3] sc:853 lt:0 rt:0 fl:0 516 [4] sc:861 lt:0 rt:0 fl:0 517 518 519 <Constraint Check> (all must be [OK]) 520 [transaction percentage] 521 Payment: 43.52% (>=43.0%) [OK] 522 Order-Status: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK] 523 Delivery: 4.31% (>= 4.0%) [OK] 524 Stock-Level: 4.35% (>= 4.0%) [OK] 525 [response time (at least 90% passed)] 526 New-Order: 100.00% [OK] 527 Payment: 100.00% [OK] 528 Order-Status: 100.00% [OK] 529 Delivery: 100.00% [OK] 530 Stock-Level: 100.00% [OK] 531 532 533 <TpmC> 534 143.450 TpmC 535 [root@Betty tpcc-mysql]# ============ 我是分割線 ============== 工欲善其事,必先利其器。