如果你在Oracle修改表owner 的實際操作中,你對Oracle修改表owner的實際操作中 有不解之處時,你可以通過以下的文章對其的實際應用與功能有所了解,以下是文章的具體介紹,望你浏覽完以下的內容會有所收獲。
- create user test identifIEd by test
- grant resource,connect to test;
- create table t1 (id number,name varchar2(20));
- insert into t1 values (1,'xx');
- commit;
- grant all on t1 to test1;
在Oracle修改表owner 中這樣的操作似乎只能在同一個數據庫中操作。
- create user test1 identifIEd by test1
- grant resource,connect to test1;
- conn test1/test1
- create table temp(id number,name varchar2(20))
partition by range(id)- (partition part0 values less than (-1),
- partition part1 values less than (maxvalue));
- create table t1(id number,name varchar2(20));
- alter table temp Exchange partition part1 with
table test.t1- including indexes without validation;
- alter table temp Exchange partition part1 with
table t1 including indexes without validation;