insert into Tai_Kpi_src
(kpi_id, kpi_name, v_sql)
''select to_char(a.start_time time,''''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'''', a.hw_sys_calls_r value
from tpm_rt_msc_call_ss_h a
where exists (select 1 from a_objects b where a.int_id = b.int_id and b.object_class = 101 and b.tmsc_cat = 0
and b.vendor_id = 8 and b.confirmed < 2 and #ne_id#) and a.start_time >= to_date(''''#start_time#'''', ''''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'''')
and a.start_time < to_date(''''#stop_time#'''', ''''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'''')
and a.hw_sys_calls_r is not null'')
select to_char(a.start_time time,''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'', a.hw_sys_calls_r value
from tpm_rt_msc_call_ss_h a
where exists (select 1 from a_objects b where a.int_id = b.int_id and b.object_class = 101 and b.tmsc_cat = 0
and b.vendor_id = 8 and b.confirmed < 2 and #ne_id#) and a.start_time >= to_date(''#start_time#'', ''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'')
and a.start_time < to_date(''#stop_time#'', ''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'')
and a.hw_sys_calls_r is not null
就是多加一個單引號,如要插進去的值是123''34''5,那麼insert into tb_name (column_name) values(''123''''34''''5'');