alter table 的功能
create table test(a varchar2(20),b number(2))
alter table test rename to test1
(rename test1 to test2)
alter table test2 drop column f
alter table test2 modify d varchar(40)
alter table test2 modify f varchar(40)
alter table test2 add c varchar2(30)
alter table test2 add (d varchar2(30),e number(4))
alter table test2 rename column e to f
alter table test2
add constraint pk_mypri primary key (d,f)
利用下面的語句在刪除DEPT表中的PRIMARY KEY約束時,同時將刪除其它表中引用這個約束的FOREIGN KEY約束:
alter table dept drop primary key cascade
加foreign key約束(多字段/表級)
alter table employees add constraint emp_jobs_fk foreign key (job,deptno) references jobs (jobid,deptno) on delete cascade