--GetTables SELECT owner, object_name, created FROM all_objects WHERE (owner in ( select USERNAME from user_users )) AND object_type = 'TABLE' ORDER BY owner, object_name; --GetTableColumns --declare @owner varchar(200),@tablename varchar(200) select * from all_tab_columns; select cols.column_name, cols.data_type, cols.data_length, cols.data_precision, cols.data_scale, cols.nullable, cmts.comments, cols.owner, cmts.owner, cols.table_name from all_tab_columns cols, all_col_comments cmts where cols.owner = cmts.owner and cols.table_name = cmts.table_name and cols.column_name = cmts.column_name --and ROWNUM <= 10 order by column_id; --表結構 select cols.column_name, cols.data_type, cols.data_length, cols.data_precision, cols.data_scale, cols.nullable, cmts.comments from all_tab_columns cols, all_col_comments cmts where cols.owner = 'GEOVIN' -- and cols.table_name = 'EMPLOYEELIST'-- and cols.owner = cmts.owner and cols.table_name = cmts.table_name and cols.column_name = cmts.column_name order by column_id; --GetViews select v.owner, v.view_name, o.created from all_views v, all_objects o where v.view_name = o.object_name and o.object_type = 'VIEW' and (v.owner in ( select USERNAME from user_users )) order by v.owner, v.view_name; ---GetViewColumns select cols.column_name, cols.data_type, cols.data_length, cols.data_precision, cols.data_scale, cols.nullable, cmts.comments from all_tab_columns cols, all_col_comments cmts where cols.owner = 'GEOVIN' -- and cols.table_name = 'v_EMPLOYEELIST'--- and cols.owner = cmts.owner and cols.table_name = cmts.table_name and cols.column_name = cmts.column_name order by column_id; ----GetTablePrimaryKey select cols.constraint_name, cols.column_name, cols.position from all_constraints cons, all_cons_columns cols where cons.OWNER = 'GEOVIN' and cons.table_name = 'EMPLOYEELIST' and cons.constraint_type='P' and cols.owner = cons.owner and cols.table_name = cons.table_name and cols.constraint_name = cons.constraint_name order by cons.constraint_name, cols.position; ---GetTableIndexes select idx.owner, idx.uniqueness, con.constraint_type, idx.table_type, col.* from all_ind_columns col, all_indexes idx, all_constraints con where idx.table_owner = '{0}' AND idx.table_name = '{1}' AND idx.owner = col.index_owner AND idx.index_name = col.index_name AND idx.owner = con.owner (+) AND idx.table_name = con.table_name(+) AND idx.index_name = con.constraint_name(+); ---GetTableKeys select cols.constraint_name, cols.column_name, cols.position, r_cons.table_name related_table_name, r_cols.column_name related_column_name from all_constraints cons, all_cons_columns cols, all_constraints r_cons, all_cons_columns r_cols where cons.OWNER = 'GEOVIN' and cons.table_name = 'EMPLOYEELIST' and cons.constraint_type='R' and cols.owner = cons.owner and cols.table_name = cons.table_name and cols.constraint_name = cons.constraint_name and r_cols.owner = cons.r_owner and r_cols.constraint_name = cons.r_constraint_name and r_cons.owner = r_cols.owner and r_cons.table_name = r_cols.table_name and r_cons.constraint_name = r_cols.constraint_name order by cons.constraint_name, cols.position; ---GetViewText select text from all_views where owner = 'GEOVIN' and view_name = 'v_EMPLOYEELIST'; --GetCommands select methods.owner, methods.package_name, methods.object_name, methods.overload, ao.object_type, ao.created, ao.status, ao.object_id from (select distinct owner, package_name, object_name, overload, object_id from ALL_ARGUMENTS where (owner in ( select USERNAME from user_users )) ) methods, all_objects ao where ao.object_id = methods.object_id order by methods.owner, methods.package_name, methods.object_name; ---GetCommandParameters select ARGUMENT_NAME, POSITION, SEQUENCE, DATA_LEVEL, DATA_TYPE, IN_OUT, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE from ALL_ARGUMENTS where object_ID=0 and object_name = '{1}' and 2 order by position; ---GetCommandText