create or replace package pack1 --創建包頭/規范 is aa number := 1 ; --在包頭聲明的為公有變量 procedure update_student (update_row in student %rowtype ); --聲明一個更新過程 procedure insert_student (insert_row in student %rowtype ); --聲明一個插入過程 end pack1 ; --結束包頭 --Package created create or replace package body pack1 --創建包體/主體 is bb number := 2 ; --在包體聲明的變量類私有變量 procedure insert_student (insert_row in student %rowtype ) --創建過程主體 as begin insert into student( id, name, age) values ( , ,insert_row.age ); dbms_output.put_line ('bb = ' ||bb ||'aa = ' || aa ); end insert_student; --結束過程主體 procedure update_student( update_row in student% rowtype) --創建過程主體 as begin update student s set = '趙北' where = ; end update_student ;--結束過程主體 end pack1 ;--結束主體/包體 --Warning: Package body created with compilation errors SQL > show error; --查詢錯誤 Errors for PACKAGE BODY HR.PACK1 : LINE/ COL ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 /1 PLS -00103 : 出現符號 "BEGIN"在需要下列之一時: ; is with authid as cluster order using external deterministic parallel_enable pipelined result_cache 符號 ";" 被替換為 "BEGIN" 後繼續。 10 /3 PLS -00103 : 出現符號 "PROCEDURE" 11 /5 PLS -00103 : 出現符號 "BEGIN"在需要下列之一時: ; is with authid as cluster order using external deterministic parallel_enable pipelined result_cache 符號 ";" 被替換為 "BEGIN" 後繼續。 SQL > SQL > ed --修改上次執行的代碼塊 SQL > /--執行修改的代碼塊 --Package body created SQL > set serverout on; --打開輸出開關 SQL > execute dbms_output.put_line (pack1.aa ); --包中的公共變量被輸出 1 PL /SQL procedure successfully completed SQL > execute dbms_output.put_line ( ); --包中的私有變量不被輸出 begin dbms_output.put_line ( ); end; --ORA-06550: 第 1 行, 第 34 列: --PLS-00302: 必須聲明 'BB' 組件 --ORA-06550: 第 1 行, 第 7 列: --PL/SQL: Statement ignored declare row_student student %rowtype ; --聲明行級變量 begin := 5; := '張飛'; row_student.age := 60; pack1.insert_student (row_student );--調用包中的過程 end; / bb = 2aa = 1 PL /SQL procedure successfully completed SQL > select * from student ; ID NAME AGE ----------- -------------------- ----------- 1 張三 20 2 李四 25 3 王五 30 4 麻子 30 5 張飛 60 SQL > declare row_student student %rowtype ; --聲明行級變量 begin := 5; := '關羽'; row_student.age := 60; pack1.update_student (row_student );--調用包中的過程 end ; / PL /SQL procedure successfully completed SQL > select * from student ; ID NAME AGE ----------- -------------------- ----------- 1 張三 20 2 李四 25 3 王五 30 4 麻子 30 5 趙北 60
-----------------------------在程序包中創建顯示游標--------------- create or replace package pack2 --創建包頭 is cursor student_cursor return student %rowtype ; --聲明顯示游標,但是不能跟is select子句 procedure student_pro ; --聲明過程 end pack2 ; create or replace package body pack2 --創建包體 is cursor student_cursor return student %rowtype is select * from student ; --指定游標所關聯的select procedure student_pro is student_row student %rowtype ; begin open student_cursor ; fetch student_cursor into student_row ; while student_cursor %found loop dbms_output.put_line ('學號 = ' || || '姓名 = ' ||; fetch student_cursor into student_row ; end loop; close student_cursor ; end student_pro ; end pack2 ; / SQL > execute pack2.student_pro ; 學號 = 1姓名 = 張三 學號 = 2姓名 = 李四 學號 = 3姓名 = 王五 學號 = 4姓名 = 麻子 學號 = 5姓名 = 趙北 PL /SQL procedure successfully completed SQL > -----------------------------在程序包中創建ref游標--------------- create or replace package pack3 is type ref_cursor is ref cursor; --聲明一個ref游標類型 procedure ref_student_pro ; end pack3 ; --Package created create or replace package body pack3 is procedure ref_student_pro is student_row student %rowtype ; student_ref_cursor ref_cursor ;--聲明一個ref游標類型的變量 begin open student_ref_cursor for select * from student ; fetch student_ref_cursor into student_row ; while student_ref_cursor %found loop dbms_output.put_line ('學號 = ' || || '姓名 = ' ||; fetch student_ref_cursor into student_row ; end loop; close student_ref_cursor ; end ref_student_pro ; end pack3 ; --Package body created SQL > execute pack3.ref_student_pro ; 學號 = 1姓名 = 張三 學號 = 2姓名 = 李四 學號 = 3姓名 = 王五 學號 = 4姓名 = 麻子 學號 = 5姓名 = 趙北 PL /SQL procedure successfully completed SQL >
--------------------------------DBMS_job包的使用方法:------------------------------------ create table test_job (date_sign date); create or replace procedure pro_test is begin insert into test_job values (sysdate ); end ; SQL > variable job1 number; SQL > SQL > begin 2 dbms_job.submit (:job1 ,'pro_test;' ,sysdate ,'sysdate + 1/1440'); --Submit()過程,工作被正常地計劃好。 3 end ; 4 / PL /SQL procedure successfully completed job1 --------- 23 SQL > SQL > begin 2 (:job1 );-- Run()過程用來立即執行一個指定的工作。這個過 程只接收一個參數。 3 end ; 4 / PL /SQL procedure successfully completed job1 --------- 23 SQL > select * from test_job ; DATE_SIGN ----------- 19 -1 月- 15 23 SQL > select * from test_job ; DATE_SIGN ----------- 19 -1 月- 15 23 SQL > SQL > begin 2 dbms_job.remove (:job1 );--過程來刪除一個已計劃運行的工作。這個過程接收一個參數。 3 end ; 4 / PL /SQL procedure successfully completed job1 --------- 23 SQL > --------------------------------UTL_FILE包的使用方法:------------------------------------ create directory dir_utl_file as '/u01/app/oracle/pl_sql_pacakge/test_utl_file' ; --創建目錄 grant read, write on directory dir_utl_file to hr ; --給用戶賦予權限 create or replace procedure pro_utl_file (path_file in varchar2, name_file in varchar2 ) is utl_file_contents varchar2( 2000); --定義內存變量 utl_file_type utl_file.file_type ;--定義文件類型變量 begin utl_file_type := utl_file.fopen (path_file ,name_file ,'r' ,2000 );--打開文件 loop utl_file.get_line (utl_file_type ,utl_file_contents );--讀取文件內容到內存變量中 dbms_output.put_line (utl_file_contents );--,並打印 end loop; exception--異常處理部分 when no_data_found then utl_file.fclose (utl_file_type ); end ; Procedure created SQL > set serverout on SQL > execute pro_utl_file ('DIR_UTL_FILE' ,'utl_file' ); DECLARE V1 VARCHAR2 (32767 ); F1 UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE ; BEGIN -- In this example MAX_LINESIZE is less than GET_LINE's length request -- so the number of bytes returned will be 256 or less if a line terminator is seen. F1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN( 'MYDIR', 'MYFILE', 'R', 256); UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (F1 ,V1 ,32767 ); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (F1 ); -- In this example, FOPEN's MAX_LINESIZE is NULL and defaults to 1024, -- so the number of bytes returned will be 1024 or less if a line terminator is seen. F1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN( 'MYDIR', 'MYFILE', 'R'); UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (F1 ,V1 ,32767 ); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (F1 ); -- In this example, GET_LINE doesn't specify a number of bytes, so it defaults to -- the same value as FOPEN's MAX_LINESIZE which is NULL in this case and defaults to 1024. -- So the number of bytes returned will be 1024 or less if a line terminator is seen. F1 := UTL_FILE.FOPEN( 'MYDIR', 'MYFILE', 'R'); UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (F1 ,V1 ); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (F1 ); END ; PL /SQL procedure successfully completed SQL > dbms_random的使用: 返回某年內的隨機日期,分兩步: 1, SELECT TO_CHAR( TO_DATE( '01/01/03', 'mm/dd/yy'), 'J') FROM DUAL; 2, SELECT TO_DATE( TRUNC( DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE( 2452641, 2452641+ 364)), 'J') FROM DUAL ;