with as語法
with tmp as (select * from tb_name)
tmp as (select * from tb_name),
tmp2 as (select * from tb_name2),
tmp3 as (select * from tb_name3),
--相當於建了個e臨時表 with e as (select * from scott.emp e where e.empno=7499) select * from e; --相當於建了e、d臨時表 with e as (select * from scott.emp), d as (select * from scott.dept) select * from e, d where e.deptno = d.deptno;
其實就是把一大堆重復用到的sql語句放在with as裡面,取一個別名,後面的查詢就可以用它,這樣對於大批量的sql語句起到一個優化的作用,而且清楚明了。
向一張表插入數據的with as用法
1 2 3 4 5insert into table2 with s1 as (select rownum c1 from dual connect by rownum <= 10), s2 as (select rownum c2 from dual connect by rownum <= 10) select a.c1, b.c2 from s1 a, s2 b where...;
select s1.sid, s2.sid from s1 ,s2需要有關聯條件,不然結果會是笛卡爾積。
with as 相當於虛擬視圖。
with as短語,也叫做子查詢部分(subquery factoring),可以讓你做很多事情,定義一個sql片斷,該sql片斷會被整個sql語句所用到。有的時候,是為了讓sql語句的可讀性更高些,也有可能是在union all的不同部分,作為提供數據的部分。
特別對於union all比較有用。因為union all的每個部分可能相同,但是如果每個部分都去執行一遍的話,則成本太高,所以可以使用with as短語,則只要執行一遍即可。如果with as短語所定義的表名被調用兩次以上,則優化器會自動將with as短語所獲取的數據放入一個temp表裡,如果只是被調用一次,則不會。而提示materialize則是強制將with as短語裡的數據放入一個全局臨時表裡。很多查詢通過這種方法都可以提高速度。
with sql1 as (select to_char(a) s_name from test_tempa), sql2 as (select to_char(b) s_name from test_tempb where not exists (select s_name from sql1 where rownum=1)) select * from sql1 union all select * from sql2 union all select 'no records' from dual where not exists (select s_name from sql1 where rownum=1) and not exists (select s_name from sql2 where rownum=1);
with as優點