前陣子在虛擬機部署了Oracle Cloud Control 12c,事別幾日,竟然忘記了登陸密碼。主要是因為現在的Oracle有關的Software比之前提供更強的安全機制。什麼簡單的"oracle"之類的pwd不再支持了。這不過一陣子就搞忘了。這年頭的,賬戶多,密碼多,就是米不多,哈哈。。。下面說說其解決辦法吧。
Successfully changed repository password.
3. Stop the Admin server on the primary OMS machine and re-start all the OMS:
NOTE:1511014.1 - 12c: After changing the SYSMAN password directly into the DB, OMS status shows "Connection to the repository failed. Verify that the repository connection information provided is correct"