--更新表,注,提示符scott@CNMMBO表明用戶為scott的session,用戶名不同,session不同。 scott@CNMMBO> update emp set sal=sal*1.1 where empno=7788; 1 row updated. scott@CNMMBO> @my_env SPID SID SERIAL# USERNAME PROGRAM ------------ ---------- ---------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------ 11205 1073 4642 robin oracle@SZDB (TNS V1-V3) --另起兩個session更新同樣的行,這兩個session都會處於等待,直到第一個session提交或回滾 leshami@CNMMBO> update scott.emp set sal=sal+100 where empno=7788; goex_admin@CNMMBO> update scott.emp set sal=sal-50 where empno=7788; --下面在第一個session 查詢阻塞情況 scott@CNMMBO> @blocker BLOCK_MSG BLOCK -------------------------------------------------- ---------- pts/5 ('1073,4642') is blocking 1067,10438 1 pts/5 ('1073,4642') is blocking 1065,4464 1 --上面的結果表明session 1073,4642 阻塞了後面的2個 --即session 1073,4642是阻塞者,後面2個session是被阻塞者 --Author : Leshami --Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/leshami --下面查詢正在阻塞的session id,SQL語句以及被阻塞的時間 scott@CNMMBO> @blocking_session_detail.sql 'SID='||A.SID||'WAITCLASS='||A.WAIT_CLASS||'TIME='||A.SECONDS_IN_WAIT||CHR(10)||'QUERY='||B.SQL_TEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sid=1067 Wait Class=Application Time=5995 Query=update scott.emp set sal=sal+100 where empno=7788 sid=1065 Wait Class=Application Time=225 Query=update scott.emp set sal=sal-50 where empno=7788 --下面的查詢阻塞時鎖的持有情況 scott@CNMMBO> @request_lock_type USERNAME SID TY LMODE REQUEST ID1 ID2 ------------------------------ ---------- -- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- SCOTT 1073 TX Exclusive None 524319 27412 LESHAMI 1067 TX None Exclusive 524319 27412 GOEX_ADMIN 1065 TX None Exclusive 524319 27412 --可以看到LESHAMI,GOEX_ADMIN 2個用戶都在請求524319/27412上的Exclusive鎖,而此時已經被SCOTT加了Exclusive鎖 --查詢阻塞時鎖的持有詳細信息 scott@CNMMBO> @request_lock_detail SID USERNAME OSUSER TERMINAL OBJECT_NAME TY Lock Mode Req_Mode ---------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -- ----------- -------------------- 1065 GOEX_ADMIN robin pts/1 EMP TM Row Excl 1065 GOEX_ADMIN robin pts/1 Trans-524319 TX --Waiting-- Exclusive 1067 LESHAMI robin pts/0 EMP TM Row Excl 1067 LESHAMI robin pts/0 Trans-524319 TX --Waiting-- Exclusive 1073 SCOTT robin pts/5 EMP TM Row Excl 1073 SCOTT robin pts/5 Trans-524319 TX Exclusive
robin@SZDB:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more my_env.sql SELECT spid, s.sid, s.serial#, p.username, p.program FROM v$process p, v$session s WHERE p.addr = s.paddr AND s.sid = (SELECT sid FROM v$mystat WHERE rownum = 1); robin@SZDB:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more blocker.sql col block_msg format a50; select c.terminal||' ('''||a.sid||','||c.serial#||''') is blocking '||b.sid||','||d.serial# block_msg, a.block from v$lock a,v$lock b,v$session c,v$session d where a.id1=b.id1 and a.id2=b.id2 and a.block>0 and a.sid <>b.sid and a.sid=c.sid and b.sid=d.SID; robin@SZDB:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more blocking_session_detail.sql --To find the query for blocking session --Access Privileges: SELECT on v$session, v$sqlarea SELECT 'sid=' || a.SID || ' Wait Class=' || a.wait_class || ' Time=' || a.seconds_in_wait || CHR (10) || ' Query=' || b.sql_text FROM v$session a, v$sqlarea b WHERE a.blocking_session IS NOT NULL AND a.sql_address = b.address ORDER BY a.blocking_session / robin@SZDB:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more request_lock_type.sql --This script generates a report of users waiting for locks. --Access Privileges: SELECT on v$session, v$lock SELECT sn.username, m.sid, m.type, DECODE(m.lmode, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row Excl.', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row Excl.', 6, 'Exclusive', lmode, ltrim(to_char(lmode,'990'))) lmode, DECODE(m.request,0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row Excl.', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S/Row Excl.', 6, 'Exclusive', request, ltrim(to_char(m.request, '990'))) request, m.id1, m.id2 FROM v$session sn, v$lock m WHERE (sn.sid = m.sid AND m.request != 0) OR (sn.sid = m.sid AND m.request = 0 AND lmode != 4 AND (id1, id2) IN (SELECT s.id1, s.id2 FROM v$lock s WHERE request != 0 AND s.id1 = m.id1 AND s.id2 = m.id2) ) ORDER BY id1, id2, m.request; robin@SZDB:~/dba_scripts/custom/sql> more request_lock_detail.sql set linesize 190 col osuser format a15 col username format a20 wrap col object_name format a20 wrap col terminal format a25 wrap col Req_Mode format a20 select B.SID, C.USERNAME, C.OSUSER, C.TERMINAL, DECODE(B.ID2, 0, A.OBJECT_NAME, 'Trans-'||to_char(B.ID1)) OBJECT_NAME, B.TYPE, DECODE(B.LMODE,0,'--Waiting--', 1,'Null', 2,'Row Share', 3,'Row Excl', 4,'Share', 5,'Sha Row Exc', 6,'Exclusive', 'Other') "Lock Mode", DECODE(B.REQUEST,0,' ', 1,'Null', 2,'Row Share', 3,'Row Excl', 4,'Share', 5,'Sha Row Exc', 6,'Exclusive', 'Other') "Req_Mode" from DBA_OBJECTS A, V$LOCK B, V$SESSION C where A.OBJECT_ID(+) = B.ID1 and B.SID = C.SID and C.USERNAME is not null order by B.SID, B.ID2;