ORA-39171: Job is experiencing aresumable wait. string
Cause: TheData Pump job is stalled with one or more of its sessions having a
resumable wait. Resumable waits aretypically caused by a non-expandable
tablespace running out of space. Thefollow-on message describes the nature of the
Action: Correctthe condition causing the wait. This will typically involve adding
datafiles to the tablespace that is full.
ORA-39171: Job isexperiencing a resumable wait.
ORA-30036: unableto extend segment by 8192 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS1'
1) 設置數據文件為自增,問題解決。
1) 添加數據文件
alter tablespace XXX_DATA adddatafile '/path/to/xxx_data02.dbf' size 100M autoextendon next 10M;
[姜彥國1]DB的db_block_size 為8Kbytes