This SP will decrypt Stored Procedures, Views or Triggers that were encrypted using "with encryption". It is adapted from a script by asp?txtCodeId=505&lngWId=5">Joseph Gama and ShoeBoy. There are two versions: one for SP's only and the other one for SP's, triggers and views. For version 1, the input is object name (stored procedure, view or trigger), and for version 2, the input is object name (stored procedure, view or trigger), object type ('T'-trigger, 'P'-stored procedure or 'V'-vIEw). From ASP?txtCodeId=505&lngWId=5">
create PROCEDURE sp_decrypt_sp (@objectName varchar(50)) AS DECLARE @OrigSpText1 nvarchar(4000), @OrigSpText2 nvarchar(4000) , @OrigSpText3 nvarchar(4000), @resultsp nvarchar(4000) declare @i int , @t bigint --get encrypted data SET @OrigSpText1=(SELECT ctext FROM syscomments WHERE id = object_id(@objectName)) SET @OrigSpText2='ALTER PROCEDURE '+ @objectName +' WITH ENCRYPTION AS '+REPLICATE('-', 3938) EXECUTE (@OrigSpText2) SET @OrigSpText3=(SELECT ctext FROM syscomments WHERE id = object_id(@objectName)) SET @OrigSpText2='CREATE PROCEDURE '+ @objectName +' WITH ENCRYPTION AS '+REPLICATE('-', 4000-62) --start counter SET @i=1 --fill temporary variable SET @resultsp = replicate(N'A', (datalength(@OrigSpText1) / 2)) --loop WHILE @i<=datalength(@OrigSpText1)/2 BEGIN --reverse encryption (XOR original+bogus+bogus encrypted) SET @resultsp = stuff(@resultsp, @i, 1, NCHAR(UNICODE(substring(@OrigSpText1, @i, 1)) ^ (UNICODE(substring(@OrigSpText2, @i, 1)) ^ UNICODE(substring(@OrigSpText3, @i, 1))))) SET @i=@i+1 END --drop original SP EXECUTE ('drop PROCEDURE '+ @objectName) --remove encryption --preserve case SET @resultsp=REPLACE((@resultsp),'WITH ENCRYPTION', ') SET @resultsp=REPLACE((@resultsp),'With Encryption', ') SET @resultsp=REPLACE((@resultsp),'with encryption', ') IF CHARINDEX('WITH ENCRYPTION',