在Java程序當中,如果statement或resultset處理不當,就很可能會出現ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded的異常,並且迅速耗盡數據庫cursor資源,下面通過一個小的示例來逐步診斷問題並解決此類問題。
1: 統計 當前sid打開的游標數量,其中a.value表示打開的數量,a.sid表示當前用戶的sid,語句如下:
select a.value, a.sid from v$mystat a, v$statname b where a.statistic# = b.statistic# and b.name = 'opened cursors current'
_sid = a.sid;
select sql_text from V$OPEN_CURSOR where sid =_sid
try {
String query = "select a.value, b.name, a.sid from v$mystat a, v$statname b where a.statistic# = b.statistic# and b.name = 'opened cursors current'";
_stmt = connection.createStatement();
_ rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
if (_rs.next()) {
temprs = _rs;
if (_rs.getLong(1) > 1) { //this shows rs must be large than 1
//----for test start.
int sid = temprs.getInt(3);
String sid_sql = "select sql_text from V$OPEN_CURSOR where sid =" + sid;
Statement sid_stmt = null;
ResultSet sid_rs = null;
sid_stmt = connection.createStatement();
sid_rs = sid_stmt.executeQuery(sid_sql);
System.out.println("The sql_text of sid " + sid + " is: " + sid_rs.getString(1));
//----for test end.
System.out.println("The number of the result set for this conn: " + temprs.getLong(1) + " SID : " + sid);
throw new Exception("this connection has a opened cursor.");