The Microsoft® SQL Server™ ODBC driver and the ODBC driver manager recognize the following SQLDriverConnect connection string keyWords.
Address Network address of the server running an instance of SQL Server. Address is usually the network name of the server, but can be other names such as a pipe, or a TCP/IP port and socket address. For more information, see Managing ClIEnts. AnsiNPW When yes, the driver uses ANSI-defined behaviors for handling NULL comparisons, character data padding, warnings, and NULL concatenation. When no, ANSI defined behaviors are not exposed. For more information about ANSI NPW behaviors, see Effects of SQL-92 Options. APP Name of the application calling SQLDriverConnect (optional). If specifIEd, this value is stored in the master.dbo.sysprocesses column program_name and is returned by sp_who and the Transact-SQL APP_NAME function. AttachDBFileName Name of the primary file of an attachable database. Include the full path and escape any \ characters if using a C character string variable:
This database is attached and becomes the default database for the connection. To use AttachDBFileName you must als