AAAA - Buzz - 公開 DTCC 2010數據庫技術大會 14:20-15:10 列式數據庫 + CEP = 數據分析技術的完美結合(盧東明:Sybase中國公司技術總監) 16:20-17:10 分布式數據訪問層開發應用實踐(簡稱DAL) 許超前:手機之家架構師 BBBB - Sybase Complex Event Processing (CEP) ,(盧東明=Tom Lu) AAAA - 搜索到了,但還是不太明白,似乎是比較新的技術。另外,最近對列式數據庫有點興趣,除了Sybase的產品,有其他開源的麼?修改4-7 BBBB - Open-source (free software) Calpont's InfiniDB Community Edition, MySQL-front end, GPLv2 C-Store No new release since Oct 2006 GenoByte Column based storage system and API for handling genotype data Lemur Bitmap Index C++ Library (GPL) FastBit Infobright Community Edition, regular updates LucidDB and Eigenbase MonetDB academic project Ingres & Vectorwise initiative Metakit The S programming language and GNU R incorporate column-orIEnted data structures for statistical analyses上午12:31 BBBB - column-based DBMS is mainly for OLAP. Not for OLTP.上午12:32 AAAA - 明白,基於內存的column-based DBMS性能還行,但是基於文件的column-based DBMS相比行式數據庫還是有很大差距。他的好處是,每個自動都是索引,在數據庫重構方面有優勢。我看上面列的開源column-based DBMS,就LucidDB和InfiniDB等少數幾個明確的說明了,其他的都沒提column-based,是不是還不太成熟。上午11:38