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Sybase PocketBuilder: True RAD Technology

Sybase PocketBuilder: True RAD Technology

By Mario Morejon
- 4:00 PM EST Fri., Oct. 24, 2003

Sybase's newest development environment, Pocket PowerBuilder 1.0, targets Windows CE-based environments and bases most of its technology on PowerBuilder. The CRN Test Center belIEves that this RAD tool will attract mainstream developers who have been using fourth-generation language (4GL) into coding for wireless devices because it includes a sophisticated method of delivering data with minimal coding.
In addition to using the same scripting language as PowerBuilder, Pocket PowerBuilder eases data-driven mobile development through a patented DataWindow control that includes built-in SQL statements and multiple data formats such as graphs, grids and tabs. Sybase's SQL Anywhere Studio, a scaled-down version of the Adaptive Server Anywhere database and an enterprise synchronization tool are integrated into the product.

Technical EditorPocket PowerBuilder applications are built similarly to DLLs. Developers can deploy executables with link librarIEs to reduce their size. The Pocket PC platform has a total memory of 8 Mbytes, while Pocket PowerBuilder's runtime virtual Machine has a 3-Mbyte memory footprint. Currently, developers can't determine how much memory their applications use or how much data can be transferred safely to maximize a Pocket PC's memory utilization. CRN Test Center engineers recommend that business logic and data transfers be kept to a minimum to avoid unpredictable memory errors.
The IDE contains a couple of template applications that give developers a head start. In future releases, Sybase plans to add more templates based on feedback from developers. The templates are wizard-driven and point to the main functions in the IDE that a developer will need to incorporate when specifying data synchronization and types of executable.
The DataWindow control is a database painter Window that includes a serIEs of tabs to generate SQL without any coding. Developers can build complete SQL statements in seconds and control the amount of data transfers through SQL filtering or by explicitly r
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