現場報有一個功能走不下去,後台日志報錯:java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01591: 鎖被未決分布式事務處理 657.7.39336 持有。
rollback force '657.7.39336';--執行可能會比較慢
select * from DBA_2PC_PENDING s where s.local_tran_id='657.7.39336';
657.7.39336 SP4GD.a6dfea73.657.7.39336forced rollback
no 2015-6-17 5:28:05 2015-6-17 10:44:33 2015-6-17 5:28:05 oracle UNKNOWN SCDB02 LCA_ZC 14456764049772
delete from sys.pending_trans$ where local_tran_id = '657.7.39336';
delete from sys.pending_sessions$ where local_tran_id = '657.7.39336';
delete from sys.pending_sub_sessions$ where local_tran_id ='657.7.39336';
Commit force '657.7.39336'
exec dbms_transaction.purge_lost_db_entry('657.7.39336');
DBA_2PC_PENDING describes
distributed transactions awaiting recovery.描述等待恢復的分布式事務。
LOCAL_TRAN_ID String of form: n.n.n; n is a number
GLOBAL_TRAN_ID Globally unique transaction ID
STATE Collecting, prepared, committed, forced commit, or forced rollback
MIXED YES indicates part of the transaction committed and part rolled back
ADVICE C for commit, R for rollback, else NULL
TRAN_COMMENT Text for commit work comment text
FAIL_TIME Value of SYSDATE when the row was inserted (transaction or system recovery)
FORCE_TIME Time of manual force decision (null if not forced locally)
RETRY_TIME Time automatic recovery (RECO) last tried to recover the transaction
OS_USER Operating system-specific name for the end-user
OS_TERMINAL Operating system-specific name for the end-user terminal
HOST Name of the host machine for the end-user
DB_USER Oracle user name of the end-user at the topmost database
COMMIT# Global commit number for committed transactions
[oracle@standby ~]$ oerr ora 01591
01591, 00000, "lock held by in-doubt distributed transaction %s"
// *Cause: Trying to access resource that is locked by a dead two-phase commit
// transaction that is in prepared state.
// *Action: DBA should query the pending_trans$ and related tables, and attempt
// to repair network connection(s) to coordinator and commit point.
// If timely repair is not possible, DBA should contact DBA at commit
// point if known or end user for correct outcome, or use heuristic
// default if given to issue a heuristic commit or abort command to
// finalize the local portion of the distributed transaction.
分布式事務,簡單來說,是指一個事務在本地和遠程執行,本地需要等待確認遠程的事務結束後,進行下一步本地的操作。如通過dblink update遠程數據庫的一行記錄,如果在執行過程中網絡異常,或者其他事件導致本地數據庫無法得知遠程數據庫的執行情況,此時就會發生in doublt的報錯。此時需要dba介入,且需要分多種情況進行處理。
分布式事務的Two-Phase Commit機制,會經歷3個階段:
1.1 決定哪個數據庫為commit point site。(注,參數文件中commit_point_strength值高的那個數據庫為commit point site)
1.2 全局協調者(Global Coordinator)要求所有的點(除commit point site外)做好commit或者rollback的准備。此時,對分布式事務的表加鎖。
1.3 所有分布式事務的節點將它的scn告知全局協調者。
1.4 全局協調者取各個點的最大的scn作為分布式事務的scn。
至此,所有的點都完成了准備工作,我們開始進入COMMIT PHASE階段,此時除commit point site點外所有點的事務均為in doubt狀態,直到COMMIT PHASE階段結束。
2.1 Global Coordinator將最大scn傳到commit point site,要求其commit。
2.2 commit point嘗試commit或者rollback。分布式事務鎖釋放。
2.3 commit point通知Global Coordinator已經commit。
2.4 Global Coordinator通知分布式事務的所有點進行commit。